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Everything happens for a reason
Obstacles comes every season
Sometimes things need to locked up in prison
Because truths would sometimes kill you like a poison

Truths are buried deep
Just like dead bodies buried down six feet
Truths that will make you feel deplete
Truths that was needed to keep

But I don't blame you for lying
Maybe you just did it to stop your longing
Maybe you buried it behind your mind to avoid another suffering
Because bringing it out will make you feel like dying
Maybe you hid the truth to stop from crying
So you will be able to stop yourself from hurting

But the world is indeed small
There are things you haven't seen at all
Explanations you haven't heard before
Truths that will cause everyone distress galore


I heard my door bell went off, indicating me that Lisa had arrived. I hastily ambles towards the door and opened it for the foreigner. A beatific smile was the first thing that greeted me making me smile insensibly.

She came to pick me up and drop me off to my office and we literally fought last night about this; she keeps insisting to drive me back and forth but I told her no because she has her own busy schedule and this dork literally threw a tantrum fit. She legit ignored me after giving up the argument; I had to get her attention back so in the end I couldn't say no anymore.

"Good morning, angel!" She cheerfully greeted before stepping inside my house and giving my temple a gentle peck that had caused electricity to run through my veins.

I guess I can get used to it from now on since she's not really leaving my side anytime soon and might as well give myself the chance to get to know her better.

Though I already know her, I just keep denying it to myself because I'm afraid but Lisa taught me not to be afraid anymore because everything happens for a reason and you need to try and try until you pass through it; maybe everyone is not like the people I know.

Maybe Lisa is the different one among them all.

Maybe I could finally be able to trust again

Maybe I can pick myself up pieces by pieces with her being my strength.

Sure, I still have doubts but why shouldn't I try for myself when she can for me, right? That would be unfair.

Just like she said, step by step and one at a time...

"Good morning!" I chirped and pulled her in to an embrace that had caused her to be surprised as her grin grew even bigger.

"You ready to go?" She quizzed, beaming down while caressing my back. I nodded my head.

"But you know... you still shouldn't be doing this, Lisa. You have a lot of priorities other than me." I heaved a deep sigh before trailing behind her as I locked my front door.

Lisa looked back and shook her head, "Are we going on about this again, Jennie?" She said sternly; her brows knotted down at me.

"What I'm saying is don't make me your top priority. You have other stuffs to worry about and not just me." I averted my eyes and continued to walk; Lisa stopped and grabbed me by the waist.

"Listen here, Jennie. I am going to say this for the last time, you are my top priority because your happiness matters the most, other stuffs can wait but you can't. Your happiness means everything to me, Jen. I wouldn't be able to do other stuffs knowing you are sad therefore I have to make sure I am giving you enough happiness so I have the energy to get through the day." Lisa said that had caused my heart to explode out of my chest; the sincerity in her voice is just too much and the positivity she radiates is just so new to me.

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