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The feline enchantress heaved a deep breath while gazing down at the large swarm of people sitting over the monoblock chairs in the middle, their eyes focused at the demoiselle in front.

"I can do it, I know I can." Jennie mumbled to herself trying to console her nervous nerves.

Jennie shut her eyes close momentarily before roaming her eyes around the place, seeking her family and friends for moral support but her face fell when she saw no trace of anyone in the room.

"You don't have to do this if you are uncomfortable. We understand." Doctor Wang, Jennie's friend, rubs her back upon noticing the change in her visage while giving the demoiselle the most genuine smile.

"No, Doctor. I want to be heard. I want my story to be heard. I really do but I'm just... sad... everyone's not in here yet. What if they don't come?" Jennie loured, hanging her head down.

"Are you sure? Because right at this exact position, I can see your siblings from here." Doctor Wang purred while her eyes fixed at them. She disinter a smile and wave her hands.

Jennie instantaneously shot her head up and gyrate around excitedly, a smile involuntarily curled over her lips upon catching her siblings' gaze together with her friends. She suddenly narrowed her eyes when she saw the tall foreigner standing behind her sister with her arms crossed while looking at her with a lopsided smile.

Her heart started thumping erratically, seeing those brown eyes after almost half a year made the butterflies in her stomach to run wild. Jennie smiled, her gummy smile radiating all over the scene. Lisa seems a little different, she became more pretty in her sight.

Lisa smiled back, her perfect white teeth showing off while she waves her hand at her, and in that moment, Jennie wanted to run over the Thai and embrace her with all her might. Lisa balled up her fist and mouthed, "Fighting!" Jennie felt her heart flutter. She nodded her head.

Jennie let out another breath before grabbing the mic from the mic stand, she brought it up to her lips while looking at everyone.

"Here goes nothing." She whispered to herself.

"You can do it, Jennie. You will do just fine, I know." Doctor Wang smiled at her and made her way to the chair to take a seat. Jennie nodded.

"Uhmmm... hi, guys and gals... today is going to be my last day here and I just want to say thank you to each and everyone who helped me discover something new about myself. I owe you a lot, I swear. So this speech is actually a farewell for everyone who had been a part of my life while staying here... and there is something important I want to share to you." The demoiselle speak through the mic, her voice echoed in the place. Jennie glanced at the specific area and her brother and sister gave her a nod. She smiled before resuming her speech.

"I came here for one reason... and it is to mend my shattered soul. You see, I was this depressed suicidal girl for two decades but when I met people around me that helped me cope up with whatever I was going through, my eyes opened for the brighter side. I always felt lonely, I always felt like everyone's bound to hurt me... and just like all of you, I am a victim too." Jennie's heart felt heavy, her eyes starting to form tears.

"I was a victim of sexual harassment... I... I was raped by the person I had given the chance to be a father to me. He did it not only once, twice or thrice. He did it to me until I felt like a living corpse. He did it to me until my soul left my body. I trusted him, my mother trusted him but he ruined us... and because of that, I was traumatized. I lost myself, I lost my life, and I lost my purpose. He made me feel like I deserved the shit he caused me, he made me feel so disgusted to myself. I hated myself, I hated him. I hated everyone because of what happened to me, I buried myself in the darkness. I sleep at night with the monsters under my bed, I sleep at night with the demons devouring me inside my head. I lived my life with the ghost of what he did to me. I was so damaged, lost, broken, and hurt because he took away the most important part of me. He took away my soul... and I know I am not the only one who experienced this, I am sure anyone of you can relate. But there are things I learned in the process of healing..." She heaved a deep shaky breath as her tears started to fall down.

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