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I stride around my living room with both of my hands clutching my hair gratingly, waiting in jittery for Taehyung to arrive.

My mind's a mess and my heart's in race. All I could ever cogitate is where on hell did Jennie go?

We just got back home from our little trip this morning. I left her to sleep so I could get my morning jog but when I came back home she is nowhere to be seen, not even a tiny vestige of her being.

I trudge in my pavement with Kuma trailing behind me as I held his chain while I hold the bouquet of Tulips with my other hand. We just went for a jog so I could stay in fit and we drop round the flower shop in the vicinity.

I feverishly called Jennie's name with a beatific smile plastered on my features as I saunter through my doorstep. I furrowed my eyebrows in perplexity the moment I found out the door isn't locked.

"I remember locking this before leaving." I mumbled indeterminate as a parlous feeling surged in me.

"Geez. Chill, Lisa. I'm sure you just forgot to lock the door. She is probably sleeping peacefully upstairs." I shrugged the eerie thoughts away as I try to console myself.

I removed Kuma's chain the moment we set foot on the living room, he quickly run around the place playfully forging me to stiffle a miniature laugh. I swiftly vanished from the view and amble towards the kitchen. I poured myself a glass of water, still holding the Tulips delicately in my hands.

I halted from drinking the water when I noticed something that made the parlous feeling go back in my stomach. I put the flowers on the kitchen top and knelt down slowly.

Why the hell is Jennie's phone in here?

I grabbed the device from the ground and panic quickly ran down my spine.

This isn't Jennie's phone. This is someone else's.

My heart started thumping erratically when I noticed the screen slightly damaged and my kitchen drawer opened.

This is where I put my knives...

"Oh my God!" I uttered the moment it finally hit me.

I hastily scampered through the stairs to check on Jennie but my suspicious grew even bigger when she is nowhere around.

"Fuck!" I yelled in gritted teeth.

"Jennie?" I tried to call out but no one answered.

My body started trembling at the disappearance of Jennie. My mind starting to get vacuous. I harshly clutched my hair and stared at the empty bed.

"No, no, no! This shouldn't be happening! I... Oh my God!" I covered my face with both of my hands in distress.

I will never forgive myself if something bad happens to Jennie especially in this moment, knowing that the bastard is now back to get her.


What if he has her?

What if he hurt her again?

No. I will never let that happen. I need to know where Jennie is.

I need to save her.

Wait... I have cctvs in here. I should check it.

Suddenly, rage and hope surged in me at the realization. I quickly made my way to my office and harshly rummage through the cctv footages.

KILL THIS LOVE (BOOK 1)Where stories live. Discover now