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Lisa broke down on her knees while curling herself up into a ball, her howls filled the room as she started having breathing problems.

Jennie tried to console the crying blonde but she kept swirming her body and shoving the feline beauty away. Jennie's heart breaks loudly that makes it audible for her ears, hurt at the sight of her.

Jisoo stared at her best friend as her tears continue to fall, she looks at her with sympathy and concern, desperate to take Lisa's pain away.

On the other hand, Seong watches them in a blank expression while trying to untie his hands from the chair which he quickly succeeded. He slowly reach out for something from his back and the next thing everyone knew is his gun pointing at the brunette.

Adrenaline rush within Taehyung and Jeremy's system, "YAH!" Jennie and Jisoo yelled in unison hearing a gunshot from their brother.

Lisa's head felt heavy, all the energy in her leached from crying too much, her body fell weaker as the more she cries, and her vision started to fade away. She faltered upon hearing the gunfire that made her deaf for a brief seconds that caused her to lose her consciousness.

Seong quickly dodged the bullet and aimed his gun towards the latter but Taehyung was quick enough to shoot his hand. Seong groaned in pain simultaneously dropping the gun on the  floor. Taehyung quickly grabbed the gun and pointed it at him.

"Justice is about to get you down, bastard." Taehyung said with a gritted teeth, both of his hands aimed at him resolutely.

"You will rot in jail and die there."

Seong hissed in pain, his other hand holding his right hand, he looked up at Taehyung with his eyes dark, "Fuck you. You will regret doing this to me."

Suddenly, policemen barge in the room, all their weapons pointed at him, they quickly went towards him and untied his feet before putting him in handcuffs.

"Let me go! You bastards, let me go!" Seong yelled hysterically while trying to escape from their grip, the police tackled him on the floor and continued to handcuff him.

"You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed for you." The other officer announced and everyone watched the policemen drags Seong with them.

The other officers was about to handcuff Taehyung too but Mr. Kim quickly speak up, "No, no. He is my son."

"Don't arrest him." The officer with the highest rank demands which they quickly obliged.

"Thank you, Sir." Mr. Kim shake hands with the latter simultaneously bowing their heads.

"It's no problem. It's our duty. We have been trying to trace him down because he holds one of the most highest criminal records in SoKor. He is notorious and we are actually glad that you have him. We've been working for his case for years now so thank you. We finally got the culprit." The officer politely said with a smile on his face before giving Mr. Kim a brotherly hug.

Scratching the back of his nape, Taehyung cleared his throat before speaking, "Do you mind if I ask what his cases are, Sir?"

"Homicide, theft, rape, transportation of drugs. The list goes on. He is been wanted for 10 years. The culprit was smart enough to change his identity so we had a hard time searching for him. The man is nothing but trouble." Taehyung nodded his head after hearing the officer.

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