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"Lisa?" The brunette called out as she saunter through the glass door, entering Lisa's kitchen with a smile on her face.

Her eyes creased when she didn't get an answer, "Lisa?" she called out again, this time a little louder.

"How the hell am I going upstairs?" She groaned, looking at herself, water dripping all over her body as she just went for a swim.

She was too exuberant to go for a swim that she forgot her towel. It has been a week since they start living together and the brunette seems to be a little better now. The light in her is slowly creeping out, vanishing the darkness away. She became a little lively, and the Jennie in her that she buried deep inside her soul seems to be coming out.

She doesn't even know why but she feels like she have known Lisa for her entire life because the blonde seems to read her better than she, herself, does.

Jennie furrowed her brows when she noticed a sticky note on the refrigerator, she walked towards it and read the words.

'I will be right back. I promise. Don't go out or even anywhere. Enjoy the housr to yourself, Nini.'

A smile insesibly made its appearance through her lips at the nickname Lisa chose to give her. She shook her head, cheeks flustering, as she giggle to herself.

"Nini... and Lili." She mumbled and joyfully capers her way to the living room like a kid full of enthusiasm.

Jennie suddenly landed on her butt when she slipped on the floor, she groaned simultaneously trying to help herself get up.

"Oh shit!" She blurted out the moment she realized she made a mess. She turned her head around and look at the mess she made, water dripping from her soaking two piece scattered all over the floor. She hissed at herself and face palmed.

"Lisa should never leave me alone inside this house because I always seems to create a mess." She rolled her eyes and walked back at the kitchen, she grabs the mop and started cleaning the floor.

Jennie groaned yet again, seemingly realizing something. She looked at herself and saw the water still dripping on the floor, turning her head around, she relentlessly dropped the mop on the ground. She huffed and tramped towards the stairs, the tread of her foot echoed through the vibrant house.

The Korean demoiselle went her way towards the Thai's bedroom and onto the bathroom, she hastily stripped through her clothes and stepped on the shower.


After about an hour of chilling on the bath tub, Jennie finally stepped out of the shower, wearing the extra bathrobe. She rummaged through the closet, searching for something to wear. Lisa gave her all the permission to use anything she want in the house, Jennie was hesitant at first but as the days passed, she started to feel comfortable in the house. Lisa always made sure she is comfortable around the place, she made her feel like it's her home too.

"Gotcha!" The brunette smiled, finally found something to wear. It was a plain white dress that would complement her body figure.

Jennie grabbed the dress when a box fell out of the closet that hit her foot, she groaned in pain and quickly knelt down, pictures scattered on the floor.

Jennie knotted her brows in confusion when she saw photos of her from the coffee shop, Lisa seems to be taking a lot of photos of her. She smiled the moment her eyes caught Lisa's childhood pictures.

"What a cute short hair." She said simultaneously chuckling, beguiled by the Thai's boyish look.

Jennie collected all the photos, she throw the white dress on the bed and plopped herself down excitedly. She rummaged through the pictures, seemingly enjoying herself until a photo caught her attention.

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