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I was your calm after your rain
Your comfort whenever you are drain
Memories we made carved deep within your brain
I turned your vibrant colors to plain

For me, you were willing to be a home
With me, you never felt alone
For me, you were willing to take away the forlorn
But with me, everything went wrong

You sang me every song
You wrote me every poem
You loved me with your every bone
And I'm sorry if I made you feel so wrong

I left you without actually making it clear
I ran when you were getting near
I shut you off by stabbing your soul with a spear
You said, "I still long for you."
"I can't move forward without you."
And in that moment, I knew I was at fault too

Bambam nudged his friend when the tall dark haired guy in a suit entered the shop. Jisoo flinched a little and glared at the guy on the counter.

"Yah! What the fuck is that for, Kunpimook?!" The small girl hissed while rubbing her side making the guy chuckled.

"Look who's coming. Look." Bambam pursed his lips and pointed it to the guy walking in authority.

Jisoo rolled her eyes and crossed her arms in annoyance as she muttered under her breath; the guy ambles towards her direction with a smirk plastered on his features.

"What are you even doing here?" The red haired girl snickered as she shot daggers towards his direction.

He chuckled; beguiled by the vexed lady in front of him, "Can't I visit my sister's shop now?" He quizzed as he put his fingers under his chin; wondering.

"You can unless you're here to irk my freaking ass." Jisoo scolded making him chuckle that had seem to make the girl even more vexed.

"What are you really doing here?" Jisoo asked once again; putting down the pen as she crosses her arms back.

"Hmmm... what am I really doing here?" The taller guy knotted his brows in a questioning manner while looking teasingly at her, "That's it! You are leaving my shop. Get out now, you are just going to make a scene again."

The red haired girl snorted while pushing the guy out of her shop but miserably failed since he is much taller and stronger than her.

"Woah! Woah! Chill my sister..." The tall guy raised his hands up in defense while grinning in amusement. Jisoo shook her head and continued to push the guy, "Yah! Chichu! Don't be like that to your Oppa!" He yelled as he pried her hands off of him.

"I'm older than you!" He yelled; Jisoo crossed her arms and looked at him deadly in the eye, "Yeah and I think much older than you." The lady snickered as she forced a smile making the latter to roll his eyes.

"Now tell me what are you exactly doing here, Taehyung?" Jisoo quizzed while tilting her left brow.

"I have a meet up with Lisa." He stated with a huge grin as he fixed his tie; Jisoo looked at him for a second before bursting out in laughter.

"Lisa? You? Meet up? Unbelievable! Oh come on, V. Lisa shut you off for a couple billion times and you are still trying? I admire your persistency." Jisoo laughed while shaking her head in amusement making the CEO huffed on his breath.

"It's business purposes, Jisoo." He snickered, "Sure it's business, V. Work harder you might get Lisa's yes in the future but I doubt that's going to happen." Jisoo released a miniature chortle before patting her brother's shoulder making him snort once again.

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