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Your pretty brown eyes screaming for help
In a dark cage where you are trapped to death
Your pretty brown eyes longing for a shelve
In a place where you can get a strength

I look at your eyes and I see sadness
A fragile and vulnerable girl was underneath that blandness
I know you have been having your nightmares
And I promise to get you out of that darkness

Take my hand and don't cry
I will take you to places as we fly high
Don't ask anymore whys
I will turn your light as bright as the blue sky

Pretty brown eyes so mesmerizing by my sight
I'm here and everything is going to be alright
With your messed up life, together we will rewrite
Because I have come to be your only kryptonite


I glared at the unwanted person in front whose smile never leaving her face.

"Go away. I don't need a company." I jeered; lowering my head as I took a bite of my bagel. It has been more than a week since this baboon started pestering me and she will always popped out of nowhere in everywhere I go. She even followed me here the moment I took a step out of the main building.

It is starting to annoy the hell out of me. She has been calling and texting me non-stop; giving me foods in my office. Don't get me wrong, I do appreciate it but it is starting to get creepy. I didn't even ask any of it. I don't know what her intentions are all about.

"But you need a friend." She said; almost inaudible as she rested her chin over her hand, giving me a light smile while looking at me intently. I stiffened; I slowly lift my head up to look at her.

"No. I don't need a friend and I'm sure as hell didn't need anyone in my life." I spoke; venom filling my voice as I looked at her blandly.

I know she is just trying to be nice but I don't really need anyone in my life. People will just fuck me up over and over again and I am fucking done with them all. They already caused too much pain with me and I don't need more. Not again.

Lisa chortled; making me annoyed as I shoot her a death glare which made her smile contagiously but I prefer not to be infected.

"That's what everyone says until they can't take it anymore, you can say you don't need someone but I know deep down you are dying to have one. People are like that. They always pretend." She sighed; slouching her back on the chair as she took a sip of her Macchiato; her eyes never leaving mine.

"And who are you tell me I need one?" I nonchalantly asked, manducating my bagel once again.

Is it possible for a stranger to understand you?

To feel you?

"I'm someone you will need when the time comes." She said; smiling softly at me. I furrowed my brow in confusion.

What the fuck is this weirdo talking about?

"I don't need anyone." I hissed through gritted teeth; earning another chuckle from her.

"You might need me someday so I will just stay around your corner." She winked causing me to roll my eyes.

"Can you please just fuck off? Don't get involve with me. I fucking don't need anyone; get that shit inside your little empty head." I scoffed; irritation lacing through my voice as I spit the words with venom.

I saw her flinched but kept her smiling face; probably don't want to show me that she is offended.

"This is what makes me interested in you; look at you." She cooed, shaking her head as she release another deep sigh; smiling softly at me.

KILL THIS LOVE (BOOK 1)Where stories live. Discover now