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We were in the middle of watching a comedy movie when my phone suddenly rang that echoed through the movie room. Chaeyoung quickly removed herself from clinging on to me.

"Really, Chu? At this time? I told you to silent your phones." Lisa raised her eyebrows and rolled her eyes at me. I just poked my tongue out and chuckled at her. She was sitting a seat away from me.

I pulled my phone out from my pocket and quickly rejected the call without bothering to look at it. I rested my back on the fluffy chair and swing my arms over Chaeng's head.

Jennie's laugh echoed through the room that made the three of us smile. Our hearts are melting at the sound of her, it is a very rare sound from her, honestly.

"Oh my God!" She laughed even more, her eyes ceased to be visible and I awed at Lisa who was looking at her as if she is her world.

I smiled at the sight and turned my attention back on the screen. I am in relief knowing that my sister, right here, is in good hands. I am glad that she met this wonderful human being whom I call a bestfriend of mine. I can see Lisa's earnestness through her eyes, she is the most genuine person I've ever met... she is a ball of sunshine in the life of every person she interacted with. Especially, in Jennie's life.

I have noticed the beautiful changes she impacted on Jennie, I am just afraid that it will be ruined now that he is back. I am terrified that she will go back from the Jennie before she met Lisa. The Jennie who was walking in the dark under the bright sunny day.

I looked at them, they can't seem to wipe off the smile on their faces. I can't help but feel sad because both of them doesn't deserve everything that is happening. No one does.

I wonder what will happen if they find out the truth? I don't want them to feel that we are just fooling them. In fact, we are trying to protect them. We are trying to protect her. Jennie.

I was cut off from my trance when another ring went off. I groaned and reached for my pocket.

"That must be important. You should answer it, Soo." Jennie spoke softly with a smile on her face. I smiled back and nodded my head.

I looked at the caller I.D and knotted my brows in perplexity.



I slide the bar to answer the call. I hastily brought the phone to my ears and wait for him to speak up.

"Chu? Where are you? You need to go here, right now." He demanded through the other line. I just rolled my eyes.

"I'm with my friends, V. What do you want?" I replied dryly, uninterested.

"You need to go here as soon as possible. Do you understand me?" He spoke through the phone and I can feel the seriousness lacing through his voice.

"Give me reasons as to why I need to go there right now." I argued. I felt everyone's eyes on me as I anticipate for him to reply.

"It's something very important..." He cooed and I raised my left brow impatiently.

"It's about Jennie." He finally said through a low voice.

I looked at Jennie who was looking at me in confusion when I felt a pair of suspicious burning holes through my soul, I momentarily catched Lisa's gaze before looking away. I gulped, my heart palpitating.

"I... uhh... o-okay. I'll be there in a few minutes." I replied before ending the call.

"Who was that?" I was startled a bit when Chaeng asked from beside me.

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