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"Can you move away a little? You are occupying my personal space." The blonde uttered irky simultaneously rolling her eyes.

"V, please move away a little." She vocalized in authority once again, this time trying to suppress her vexation as she flickered through her camera; showing her shots to Taehyung.

"Oh, damn! She looks heavenly there." The latter announced gaily, beguiled by the feline enchantress' beauty as he scooted closer to the Thai that made her even more vexed.

Lisa released an annoyed sighed as she slowly turned her head towards the latter, her brows furrowed, "In which part do you not understand in move away a little because you are occupying my personal space?" She snarled.

"Oh yeah, I'm sorry. Your shots got me too preoccupied." The latter responded as he move away, scratching his nape while showing her a timid smile.

"Sure, it did." Lisa retorted as she rolled her eyes before continuing to show her shots.

"You seem to be too good at this, Lali. Your shots are astounding." Taehyung grinned as he roamed his eyes at the photos Lisa took.

"This wouldn't be as good as you imply it if it weren't for the model." Lisa shot her toothy grin while looking at the pictures she took of Jennie.

"I swear to God, she just makes everything tenfold better." The blonde sighed merrily, her smile never leaving her lips.

Taehyung just stayed muted as he hears the sound of his heart breaking. It damages him hearing the love of his life uttering those words, the sight of her being euphoric because of another person just hits him hard in the feels, and it's worse because he is witnessing it right in font of his eyes.

'Why won't you love me the way I love you?'

He thought to himself as he still can't understand why on Earth the blonde wouldn't love him. Just a tiny bit of her heart.

"You sure like her a lot, huh?" Taehyung uttered, his voice kind of cracking but he refused to show it. He smiled forcefully to masked up the pain he was feeling.

Lisa snapped out of her daydream as realization hit her, the sympathy started flowing through her veins, "Y-yeah." She replied stuttering, feeling guilty.

Lisa's rudeness towards him is just an act so he could stop whatever he is feeling about her, so he could move on and find a better person, the only reason why she does it is to push him away and make him stop.

Awkward silence suddenly engulfed them, none of them dared to speak up. Lisa continues to rummage through her camera, adoring Jennie's breathtaking grace.

"I don't want you to feel sorry for me forever." Taehyung vocalized, his head hanging low which caught Lisa's attention.

She looked at the man in front of her, apologetic towards him as she anticipate for him to orate.

"I know you still do, Lali. I don't want you to be because it makes me feel like shit. It makes me feel like a loser even though I got all the success I wanted. It makes me feel like a failure... I don't want to feel this anymore though. It needs to stop..." Taehyung spoke up, his voice cracking as he looked directly at the Thai's brown orbs only to end up lost in it again.

All he wanted was her to feel the baggage he was carrying by contacting her soul through her eyes but he miserably fails because he always gets hypnotized by it.

Taehyung shook his head as he break the eye contact, covering his face by both of his hands as he heaved deep and release a heavy sigh.

"Can we talk for a while, Lali? Like properly? For the first time in years please let's talk properly. I promise it won't take so much time. I know the Lalisa I befriended and fell in love with is still there." He smiled sympathetically, his eyes showing nothing but sadness and desperation.

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