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I looked at her bloomy face
But all I have seen is a face of grimace
I tried to pull her in to my embrace
But she winced as if she's inside of a painful place

The little girl that was once vibrant
Has turned numb
Her smile, face, and laugh that was once radiant
Has turned drab

Her colorful colors has turned in to grey
Her feline bright eyes has turned pale
Everything about her just drained
That she became the definition of pain

I stand there watching the girl in front of me die slowly
I stand there trying to convince her she's worthy
I stand her looking at her face that was once happy
But now melancholy is taking over her body

Memories of her past seems to make her life like rust
It made her feel like she's just a dust
A man ruined her because of lust
A man who was cruel enough to make her life crushed

I stood there still watching the angel cry
She is tired of feeling blue
I looked at her one more time
My voice cracking, our hearts aching, eyes tearing, I whisper, "Stand up. I'll fix you."


"Eomma?" I called out; stepping inside the little house as I trailed my eyes around.

"Is anybody home?" I quizzed; going in to the living room while sitting myself easefully down the small couch.

Sighing, I took off my coat and my bucket hat, "She must be out getting grocery again." I mumbled to myself while massaging my temples.

I stood up; feeling exhausted from the recent shoot as I dragged my body groggily in the kitchen and poured myself a pure glass of water, my eyes landed on the familiar brown stuffed toy lying rampant on the floor.

"Aish. Why are you always scattering around whenever I come home?" I whined picking up the damaged stuffed toy and placing it back to its perspective place.

"Your color reminds me of Jennie's wonderful orbs and scented hair." I chuckled; my heart beating madly at the thought of the beautiful yet broken angel.


Jennie is something else; her aura is interesting.

I can tell she built up this hard high wall around her heart to guard her from everything but Jennie had managed to show me what is behind those walls.

A broken girl.

Jennie is fragile and vulnerable; one single touch and she will break in an instance so you really need to hold her delicately.

She doesn't deserve whatever she's been going through.

Everyone doesn't deserve to suffer but then again I remember that life is a trial and error; you will have to try and try until you can go through it; until you find out how to do it.

You will have to pass through the pain in order for you to make it.

To go through it.

Life is a strong wave of the ocean; you have to learn to balance yourself or you will get drown to death.

I believe Jennie had managed to balance herself. She is torn between going on or just giving up; she is a strong girl because she had managed to fight the struggles until now. I can see her trying her very best to survive this apocalypse of life.

She is strong despite of the demons inside her head but there were times where the ghost of her past still haunts her and I want to know every single detail why she is like that.

KILL THIS LOVE (BOOK 1)Where stories live. Discover now