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"Surprise, mother fucker." Taehyung smirked in victory, aiming the gun firmly at the man's skull.

"Put my sister down or I will shoot your fucking brains right here and now." He threatened through gritted teeth.

Seong quickly put the demoiselle delicately on the ground while muttering incoherent things to himself.

Two of the guys beside Taehyung hastily tackled the man on the floor, tying him up on the chair that was sitting in the middle of the dark room. He squirms and complains, only to gain a punch in the face from Jennie's brother.

Jennie, on the other side, couldn't quite see the person who is talking in front of the door as she is still trying to regain her vision back. She narrowed her eyes and massaged her temples while trying to figure out who was the owner of the familiar voice.

"T-Taehyung?" She quizzed, confounded.

"I-is that you?" Jennie tried her best to get a good sight of her brother who is already looking at her with nothing but concern.

The brunette brushed her eyes and squinted it multiple times before finally regaining her vision, her eyes instantaneously went wide seeing Taehyung standing in front of her while holding a gun pointed at someone. She slowly turned her attention at her back and saw the monster tied up in a chair. She gasped.

"H-how did you k-know I was h-here? Why are y-you he---" The kitten was cut off from her sentence when a mid-aged man barged into the room, also holding a firearm.

Jennie's eyes widen seeing the man he was searching for and longing for so long, still looking the same unlike her mom who had changed a lot during the years.

"Son, did you get him?" He quizzed that made Jennie even more perplexed.

Mr. Kim halted when she saw those feline brown eyes looking straight at him with a mixed expression. He frowned.

"A-appa?" She asked as tears starting to form in her eyes.

"Nini." Mr. Kim replied shortly in a soft voice.

After hearing her father's words, Jennie's heart suddenly ached and dance in joy at the same. She hastily stood up from the ground and ran towards her father, she quickly embosomed him into an embrace, clutching her hands around his body vehemently simultaneously breaking into a fit of cries.

The longing for her father finally came to an end. Here he is, standing in front of his daughter with a heavy heart as guilt slowly eats him alive.

No matter how mad Jennie is towards her parents, at the end of the day, she still loves them unconditionally with every piece of her heart. Her reaction by seeing her father is far different from what she expected it to be.

She expected to be mad and hate every inch of him but she can't avail to do so. It was the opposite, seeing her father's face in the first time after forever just vanished all the grudges she holds against him.

"D-daddy." Jennie howled, clutching the hem of her father's shirt making his heart ache tenfold.

"I'm sorry, Nini." Mr. Kim embraced his daughter back, his arms protecting her tiny figure simultaneously resting his face on top of her head.

"I missed you so much, Daddy. I was hoping for this day to come." Jennie sobs through his chest, making him release a lopsided smile as he try to suppress his tears from falling down.

"I missed you too, princess. So much." He whispered as he kissed the top of her head.

Taehyung, on the other side, watches them getting emotional. A small smile made its way through his lips looking at the sight of the two making his heart melt. He was happy seeing them together.

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