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Lisa parked her car in front of a little house. She turned the engine off and glance at the brunette sitting anxiously on the passenger seat. The blonde gave her a lopsided smile as she reached out for the latter's hand, noticing her uneasy state.

Lisa caressed her knuckles, calming Jennie's muscles. Heaving a deep shaky breath, the feline enchantress looked at her, "I don't think I-I'm ready for this y-yet." Jennie admitted through stuttering voice, her palms sweaty.

"We can leave if you are not ready yet. I mean, there's always a next time for this."

"But I think it's time for me to face everything instead of running away from all these..." Jennie paused for a second as she locks her eyes with Lisa's.

"I am tired of hiding, tired of feeling this way. I wanna be better, Lisa. For real, this time... and I know the first step in this is getting a closure." Lisa nodded her head, a smile formed in her lips, feeling proud at the latter sitting beside her.

"If knowing things will hurt me then let me be hurt. I don't care anymore." Jennie uttered through a low voice, turning her head towards the little house, her eyes scanning every bit of it.

"If I am not going to be ready, then when will I? I can't be better if I keep getting stuck in the same place and scenario..." She heaved a deep sigh, the atmosphere became heavy in an instant but the brunette was too desperate for this.

"If it hurts you then it hurts you, Jen. What matter is that you will learn something from it. Lessons that will heal you and make you a better version of yourself." The Thai gave her a reassuring smile simultaneously squeezing their hands together to let her know that she will always be there for her.

"You will soon realize that life isn't just about pain. Life is beautiful, Jennie. It is worth living, it teaches us amazing things we forever will treasure." Jennie smiled upon hearing Lisa's motivational words, nodding her head she exhaled loudly, making the taller girl chuckle.

"Thank you, Lisa." The kitten quickly engulfed the blonde in to an embrace, warming against her arms. Lisa pecked her temples before pulling away from the hug.

"You ready?" She quizzed, smiling.

Smiling back, the brunette replied, "It's now or never."


"You go take a sit there, I'll call Eomma upstairs. Is it okay if I leave you for a while though?" Jennie nodded her head in response and the Thai quickly scampered upstairs, calling for her Eomma.

Jennie scanned her eyes around the small place, feeling a bit uncomfortable. She narrowed her eyes when she saw a picture frame of her mom together with Lisa, she stood up from her seat and walk towards the shelf. Jennie's eyes roamed through the picture frames that is mostly Lisa and her mom. She got teary eyed at the thought of them, they seems so close, and it was a bittersweet feeling for her.

Jennie was holding a specific frame of the two when something caught her eye, it was a family picture. It is not just any family picture, it was her family. The picture was taken when she turned five and you can see the happiness on their faces, it was scattered all over there.

Jennie frowned reminiscing the memories of her once complete family, she can't help but to still feel hurt knowing the fact that everything was just a mere memory now. A very memorable one.

The brunette gasped seeing the all too familiar bear laying on top of the shelf. She hastily grabbed it and ran her fingers through its soft texture. The bear is worn out, its other eye is missing. Jennie desperately try to find the power button and quickly turn it on.

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