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I slammed the door of the cab I rented and let out a deep sigh as I inbreathe the all so familiar hot breeze of Thailand. I stood upright in my position while gazing at the house that's dilapidated through out the years, I was in nostalgia for a moment that caused shivers to go down my spine.

Here I am, standing in front of the porch of the place I used to call home. Its once hard roof looks insubstantial now, the once green painted walls are now faded into a dusty black. This place looks abandoned for years now and I wonder if they are ever still here...

I slowly amble towards the pavement making me sweat profusely as nervousness creeps in me.

This is going to be the first time I will be back after I ran away when I was sixteen.

"Yo, blondie! Wait for me!" I was quickly cut off from my reminiscing when I heard the pesky bunny yelled after me.

He hastily scampered towards my direction like a lost child while dragging his suitcase along with him.

I forgot I was alone for a second. I rolled my eyes at him.

"Woah! What is this some creepy shit we are going at?" Jungkook chuckled in nervousness while scratching his nape.

"Shut up for a moment, can you?" I snapped at him making him raise his hands in defeat.

"Geez. Okay, okay. Chill, blondie." He said while grinning annoyingly at me.

I choose to ignore his loud mouth and walked over the front door. I lifted up my fist to knock on the moth-eaten door but the annoying bunny already rang the door bell three times. I snapped my head at him while giving him a look of daggers. He shrugged his shoulders while smiling innocently at me.

Minutes later, the door swung open revealing the old lady who I am very fond of. Nothing really changed about her except for her hair that was once jet black but turned into silver now.

"Good afternoon, what can I d--- P-pranpriya?!" My grandmother looks at me surprisingly after she realized that her granddaughter who ran away for almost a decade is now face to face with her.

I nodded my head while disintering a small smile. Tears quickly filled up her eyes as she throw her body on me, I open widely catch her in my arms and embraced her.

I never thought that she will still be here, in this lonesome traumatizing home after all the years.

"I missed you so much, honey." She sobs and aside from her hair, I noticed a little difference with her voice, it became a little more breathy.

She is aging and I am really woebegone about the fact that I neglected her for years. I didn't even have the audacity to check on her or even show up at her door from time to time.

But I was hurt back in the days, I do not know who I was... all I know is that my mother was raped and she conceived me. I was made out of sin and my father is a rapist. I was young and I didn't know where path I should take, I was overwhelmed with emotions at the fact that my mother hates me but now that I grew up, I started to understand the negative side of life. I am glad that I have matured because of my past experiences...

"I miss you, Nana." I speak ever so softly and caressed her back.

We were suddenly cut off from our moment when another pair of arms were being thrown over me. I quickly shot my head and look at the hombre who was hugging me vehemently while his eyes are shut tightly. I narrowed my eyes at him with annoyance and flicked his forehead causing him to groan in pain and loosen his grip from my body.

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