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One day someone will come to your life unexpectedly.
Someone who will make you happy.
Someone who will treat you as their priority.
Someone who will finally get rid of your melancholy.

One day someone will walk in to your life.
Someone who will turn on your light.
Someone who's more than willing to be your knight.
Someone who will hold you to get you through the night.

One day someone will love you forever.
Someone who will make you stronger.
Someone who will protect you through the bad weather.
Someone who is able to make everything in you better.

One day someone will be there for you.
Someone whose intentions are true.
Someone who will get you out of your blue.
Someone that will cross mountains for you.

Someday that one day will come sooner or later;
And that someone was once merely a stranger.


I slowly opened my eyes at the sound of my alarm clock beeping for the nth time now. The tall silver haired girl from yesterday was the first thing transpired in my mind. It was not bargained for but her words keep repeating in my mind.

"Hey. Why? Are you okay?"

"What's wrong?"

"Did I make you upset?"

"Hey, look. I may be a stranger to you but you can tell me what's bothering you. I will listen. I promise."

"Please take care."

I finally heard those words I've been wanted to hear from my loved ones but it upsets me that it unfolds from an unco. My mom never asked me if I was okay once... or if how was I doing or how my day went. I never ever felt people care for me. I have never felt loved and special in my twenty four years of existence.

Dad left; leaving me with his fucking broken promises. He fucking left... and nonetheless he left me with my mom, thereafter that day I knew a lost my mom too. She was never the same.

And I was never the same.

She never checked up on me even if it happened. She never did... even if she knew, she still never did and I hate her for that. She just watched her own fucking daughter suffering from her dear life and she never did anything to help me.

Despite the fact that she's hearing me crying every fucking night, she never asked me what's wrong. She never knocked on my door once. She was there with me physically but I was fighting alone and I still am. It's one of her fucking fault. I'll never forgive her for that. Never.

She was one of the reasons why I went through hell.

Why I almost ended my life.

Dad left and he took a huge part of me. He took it away with him and I was left empty.

Mom just watched me suffer and I was left scar and terrified for life.

I will never forget that day.

That day someone took my innocence away.

They all left me haunted by everything. I left it all behind but it's following me, it was haunting me.

I'm scared I might let they all win.

I never realized I was crying until I felt my cheeks, I was sobbing to the point I cannot breathe properly but even if I breathe, I still feel suffocated by my past.

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