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Nothing hurts more than seeing a mother cry
But nothing hurts for a mother than hearing her child's good bye
A face of a mother's child getting wry
Is tenfold worse for her than seeing the heavens cry

Nothing hurts more than seeing a mother in pain
But nothing hurts for a mother than seeing her child being drain
And a child's love for her mother getting plain
Will forever choke her with a chain

Nothing hurts more than seeing a mother grieving
But nothing hurts for a mother than seeing her child leaving
Nothing hurts for her knowing she caused her child's suffering
And not knowing how to stop her child's bleeding

The world is a cruel place for forgiveness
The world is a wrong place for love
A place where it all could give you is just sickness
A place where it won't put you above
The world is a place of hopelessness
That it made 'ending' the only thing you can think of


"Why didn't you tell me Jennie is Ruby Jane Oennie, Eomma?" I quizzed; my voice almost a whisper.

Eomma gasped; her eyes widened in shock as her body stiffened on her spot, "Why didn't you tell me she is your daughter you keep telling me about?" I probed; disappointment lacing through my voice.

I saw her gulped hard; eyes starting to glistened from the tears forming. I honestly hate to see her like this but I really am disappointed that she had to keep it from me all along.

"Why didn't you tell me that the person I'm liking and telling you about is the same person as your daughter?" I quizzed once again; everything is starting to get confusing, possible thoughts are floating inside my head.

"I'm sorry..." Eomma trailed off; a tear had already escaped her feline eyes.

Now it makes sense why Jennie's eyes remind me so much of Eomma.

Why Jennie reminds me so much of her.

"Please explain, Eomma..." I whispered; twisted at everything as I heaved a deep breath. Eomma nodded.

"She clearly hates me. I already told you th-this... I wasn't the best mom. I w-was the worst person. I let her experienced hell. I didn't protect my daughter. I didn't tell you she's my daughter because I don't want her knowing about me. She hates me, Lisa and I don't even think I still have the courage to face her right after everything." Eomma cried; my heart suffocating at the sight. I quickly engulfed her in to a hug.

"You know the truth will always find its way even if you try to hide it, right? You could have told me earlier..." I sighed heavily and rubbed her back in a mollifying manner.

"I'm scared... sh-she looks really happy now. I don't want to ruin it for her..." Eomma cried harder as she sobs through my chest.

I feel mad yet disappointed; mad at myself for coming off to Eomma just like that yet disappointed at the fact she kept the truth from me all along.

What would Jennie feel if she finds out my Eomma is her mom?

How would she react? I know well for a fact that Jennie would flip off and would cut me off but I will still try my best to teach her to forgive.

Jennie can't move forward if she doesn't know how to forgive, she will just keeps coming back to what shattered her.

"She probably wished me death... I w-wish I just listened to her. How I wish I stopped him from doing it. I could have stopped him but I didn't..." My heart broke at the thought of Jennie suffering from the monster.

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