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I opened my front door while holding Kuma. I decided to suprise Jennie since it's been a week the last time she saw her dog and she must have been too hung up with the past events that she forgot about him. Kuma made a mess in her house, I cleaned everything that it took me so much time to finally get out of there. Kuma is a one naughty boy.

I amble inside my house, the familiar vibes and aura welcomed me that made me smile. This place seems to be tenfold better that she is here.

"Nini?" I called out for her followed by Kuma's bark that echoed through the place but no one answered.

I guess, she is sleeping.

Or so I thought...

There she was, sitting on the sofa with her arms crossed while looking at me with a dull expression.

Something doesn't feel right.

I forced a smile and hold Kuku up in the air, trying to light her mood up, "Surprise! I got Kuma for you!" I chirped lively.

Jennie just stared blandly at me, her eyes nictating in boredom. I delicately put Kuma down and sat beside her.

"You okay? What's wrong?" I softly asked but the kitten just looked at me momentarily before gazing down at her dog.

I sighed, "You know you can tell me what's wrong, right? I'll listen." I gave a half suppressed smile but the latter continued to stare at nowhere, making me feel like I don't exist at all.

"Nini, what's wrong? Are you feeling alright?" I gently put my hands on her face to make her look at me but she shoved my hands and scooted away.

"Don't touch me." She hissed without looking at me.

Is it just me? Or I think I heard her voice cracking.

I furrowed my brows and stared at her in perturberance. I tried to get a hold of her hand but she harshly shoved me away, making me back off a little.

" Okay, I... uh, I'll just give you some time to yourself." I said in hesitation, understanding her mood at the moment.

"You can talk to me if you are feeling better, alright? I'll be here." I spoke ever so softly and stand up from the sofa.

"Always." I leaned down and softly put a peck on her forehead, this time not shoving me away.

She must need some alone time.

Jennie gently put Kuma on her lap, her strands of hair covering her features. She silently played with his fur, not minding my existence. I softly smiled, I decided not to bother her for now.

I slowly walked away when I heard her sniffle, making me stop from my stance, "Why?" Her voice cracking that made her almost incomprehensible.

I slowly turned my head on her direction. My heart wrenched when I catch a glance of her eyes, she was crying. The desperate look in her eyes are burning in mine.

"Why, Lisa?" She quizzed, her lips quavering. There, I saw a hint of pain in her eyes. I looked at her in perplexity, trying my best to understand her.

"Why did you lie to me?" The tears started pouring down on her cheeks, making my heart twitched in pain upon seeing her.

"W-what?" Apprehension started hitting me. I feel like a lump grew in my throat, making me not able to talk.

Could it be? Did she find out?

"Why are you lying to me, Lisa?" She said, anguish evident in her voice and her eyes feels betrayed.

KILL THIS LOVE (BOOK 1)Where stories live. Discover now