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"Are you really sure about that, Lisa?" Chipmunk quizzed the moment she lounged herself on my stool chair and rested her chin over her clasped hands while scrutinizing me.

I heaved a deep sigh before quaffing down my vodka, "Yeah. I already made up my mind, I am a hundred percent sure." I creased as I felt the burning sensation down my throat.

"But what about her?" Chaeyoung asked almost like a whisper. I loured while decanting myself another glass of wine.

It has been a week since the last time I interacted with Jennie which means it's been a week too since I started to deluge myself in alcohol drinks. I am just thankful and lucky that Park Chaeyoung is here to keep me sane through my insanity.

"I guess, I have to tell her..." I replied in a raspy voice as I feel my head starting to get dizzy.

"It is what we need after all... and I hope after that, we will be able to handle each other without feeling like we are tearing apart." I delicately put the glass down before resting my forehead on both of my palms.

"She deserves her freedom, Chaeng and being beside her will just imprisoned her from her past and I don't want to be the reason why is it so hard for her to heal. She needs healing though... sadly, I can't give her that because I need it too." My voice started cracking as I focused my gaze on the marble surface of my kitchen top.

I heard Chaeyoung heaved a deep sigh, "I understand where you are coming from, Lisa but I don't want you to make decisions out of your emotions. I don't want you to regret and end up hurting more. This is enough."

"If we continue this now, we will end up getting toxic and I don't want that to happen. Never. I am ready for the consequences of this." I slowly tilted my head while Chaeng gave me a sympathetic smile.

"Besides, it will just be for a while." I continued before heaving a deep sigh.

I told Chaeyoung everything that happened and she never left my side, not even once. She watches out after me and made sure that I am okay and not abusing myself.

"Do you honestly think this will resolve anything? I am giving you another chance to rethink your decision, Lisa." I gave her a sad smile before speaking.

"Yes? I don't know, honestly but whatever happens, happens. Even if it's not going to be what I expected it to be, I will still be happy because I know that I made the right decision so we can better ourselves." Chaeyoung nodded before placing her palms over my hand.

"Plus, I know this will help the both of us. I just needed time to think and now that I made up my mind, I am ready to face her." I continued while gulping down another glass of vodka.

"When are you going to talk to her?" She quizzed, "Tomorrow." I replied.

"Good because she's been waiting for you." Chaeyoung said that made me frown once again.

Can you believe that I handled a week without Jennie?

If I handled it a week, then I guess I can handle it for a while more.

"I know." I responded in a low voice.

"I support whatever your decisions are, Lisa. I know it must be hard for the both of you but if you ask me... I really think that what you are planning to do is for the best. I just gave you the benefit of the doubt so you will have time to rethink everything and I am proud of you for doing it right." Chipmunk smiled. I instantaneously jumped from my seat and walk towards her side. I quickly engulfed her into a hug which she gladly returned back.

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