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I can tell that you were hurt really bad
The sight of you crying breaks my heart
Hearing your desperate pleads makes me sad
Please tell me what really happened in the dark

I want to know what is going on in your mind
Angel, what happened that made you go blind?
You are a bright star that people outshined
What happened before you badly want to hide?

Tell me everything and I will understand
I will come to pick you up from the ground
Just trust me, I'll always be around
I will be here to heal all of your wound

You are the star to me that completes my constellation
You give me an overflowing feeling of exhilaration
But you were deeply damaged by your demon
By your loud cries I was summoned
And I came to give peace through your commotion
Because fate destined me to be your salvation


I stared at the radiant girl standing in front of my doorsteps; her beatific smile coruscating as it radiates inside my dull house, slowly giving it colors. She brought her hands up to show me what she was holding. I kept my blank face.

"Why are you here?" I quizzed; crossing my arms that caused her to smile even bigger, "Let me enjoy my rest day. Leave." I demanded before turning around as I shut the door close but she was quick to enter my house.

I looked at her but her smile never leaving her face. She just stood there; smiling like the fool she is, still holding the plastic bags in the air. I rolled my eyes and turned my back; not in the mood to communicate with people today.

Why does she keep bothering me? Why does she keep pushing herself in to my life? People traumatized me and I am not ready for another trauma.

The less the people; the lesser the pain.

No people, no pain.

It is better this way. I can't let myself get attached to people especially now that I crave for her presence every damn second.

There is no assurance that she is indeed going to stay. I can't just casually let her in and casually let her go. I don't want to be a burden. I might just hurt her.

I am worried.

I am scared.

I am scared that whenever I look at her radiant features, I found myself having its comfort.

It is addicting; the secured feeling whenever she hugs me is just so addicting. I feel safe and sound.

But I can't let myself be hurt again. I can't especially if I am still healing. I don't need another pain that will add up to my long list.

I glanced at her once again as I found myself slowly walking towards her direction and before I knew it; I was already hugging her tall figure; calming my every being.

I am safe.

I am unharmed.

I am in comfort.

I am in peace.

I am not alone anymore.

Lisa put the plastic bags down so she could hug me back; I closed my eyes feeling the warmth of her body.

This is the safest place I could ever found myself in.

What if I got used to this type of feeling and then one day I'll wake up, everything is gone in a single blink?

KILL THIS LOVE (BOOK 1)Where stories live. Discover now