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So easy to put scars in my heart
So easy of you to push me away that hard
Yet I know you've been longing for my hand
Pushing me away yet searching for my love

You're leaving me hanging yet wanting me to stay
Ignoring my presence yet doesn't want me to go away
Honey, I'm not a predator and you are the prey
I am your sunshine and you are my ray

You are an angel full of misery
A flower devouring by a bee
You are a root but without a tree
I'm giving you waters, can't you see?

I know you always felt gloomy and blue
But the moment I came, you knew it was true
And I knew it was you
I gave rainbows in your dull life
I gave you such my wonderful vibes
Making you believe that love is the truth within the lies
And there it is; I know you found a home in my smiles


"Chu have you seen Jennie eat here during her lunch?" I quizzed while releasing a deep sigh as I slump my back on the counter.

Jisoo shook her head, "Nah. I haven't seen her here since Monday. Why?" She shrugged her shoulder before tilting her head to look at me.

"She hasn't talked to me since three days and I am really worried about her, Chu. I'm literally having anxiety." I frowned before taking a sip of my Macchiato.

"Wow, Lisa. I haven't seen you care for a girl this much until she came. You must really like her, huh?" Jisoo teased; smirking while wiggling her brows up and down.

"I really do, Chu. Like a lot. I don't know... she's just really different, I guess. She's just so pure." I admitted thinking where the hell on Earth Jennie is.

Three days feels like forever without seeing her angelic face.

Three days without talking to my angel.

Three days without knowing if she's doing fine or not.

Three days without hearing a single word from her.

Three days without having any communications and I have never felt so terrified in my life.

"Why don't you call or text her?" Jisoo quizzed; tilting her left brow.

Pffft. As if I didn't do that, Chu.

"Trust me. I already did. I tried calling her every second but she's unreachable and my texts are just on delivered."

I have been trying to reach out for her but I just couldn't. I don't know what the matters are and every second of not hearing anything from her just makes me feel even more anxious than I already am.

"Duh. Why don't you go visit her in her place, Lisa? You are just stressing yourself for nothing." Jisoo rolled her eyes before turning back to what she was doing.

"I think you should know I already did that. Whenever I try to visit her place, she's not there..." I exclaimed; gesticulating my free hand causing Jisoo to flinch at my sudden mood.

"I even waited outside her company for hours but I didn't see any trace of her and whenever I asked the guard he will say Jennie already left the building but when I try to come back to her place, she's not there!" I stressed out; my voice a little louder.

"It's not just nothing, Chu. I care for this girl so much and not seeing her just sucks. I feel like my day isn't complete. I don't know if she's trying to ignore me or something but I miss her big time now." I took a deep breath before tilting my head down; a frown automatically washed over my features.

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