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"Where are we going, Lisa?" The Korean demoiselle asked for the nth time, earning a miniscule fit of chortles from the blonde.

"For the nth time, Jennie it's a secret." The Thai said while grinning as she winks towards the feline enchantress that made the latter roll her eyes in 360 degrees.

"I swear to God, Lalisa if you are going to murder me in the woods and leave my body there, I will never let you sleep at night for as long as you are alive!" Jennie scoffed, her eyes narrowed in vexation simultaneously crossing her arms like a little kid.

The blonde burst out in laughter that made Jennie turn her gaze at her, "I am not kidding! I will haunt your existence." She chastised.

"Come on, Nini. Do I look like a murderer to you?" Lisa exclaimed, feigned offended as she glance at Jennie momentarily.

"I don't know about you. You tell me." The brunette shrugged her shoulders simultaneously raising one of her brows.

"Oh, hush! I'm not! I look like a supermodel." The Thai grinned beatifically, pursing her lips towards the latter, making kissy faces.

Jennie kept her face straight, trying to suppress her smile from coming out that made Lisa chuckle. Jennie instantaneously broke into a simper hearing the Thai's soft chuckles.

"Oh so you think you are funny now, huh?" She pressed. Lisa shook her head giggling while her eyes fixed on the road.

"Nope! But I make you happy." The blonde stated as she glances at the Korean enchantress, a huge genuine smile plastered on her Thai features.

Jennie rolled her eyes but simpered inwardly, she turned her head away from her as she felt her cheeks heating up causing the butterflies in her stomach to erupt.

"Awww, man! Is my Nini blushing?" Lisa teased while giggling as Jennie shakes her head vigorously.

"No! Pffft." Jennie answered back defensively and Lisa's laugh suddenly filled the car.

Jennie looked at Lisa, scrutinizing her every features that made her heart pulsate in such a melodic rhythm.

Oh, God. She is so bright and beautiful that my heart hurts good.

The brunette can't help but smile at her. She looks at her endearingly, adoring the Thai being her goofy self silently. Jennie indeed found her safe zone.

Lisa gives her comfort and unyielding love, if that's what is it. Jennie sighed in content as the blissful feeling rushed through her veins.

With her smile unvawering, and her heart pulsating for the Thai, she whispered in the back of her head...

You are the cause of my euphoria.


"What if she finds out? Oh, God! This is going to be a huge fucking mess." Taehyung exclaimed, stressed out while massaging his temples.

The Kim siblings have found something very surprising. Something that they shouldn't supposed to know.

"Then we will tell her, V..." Jisoo sighed as she calmly respond, her eyes glancing at her brother pacing on the living room back and forth.

"What?!" Taehyung asked in horror; his hands on the same level with his head while looking at his sister incredulously.

"No! We can't do that, Jisoo! We can't tell her!" The hombre shakes his head vigorously as panic surged through his system.

"But we need to, Hyung... not now, I guess but we have to tell her in the right time. We can't keep it from her." Jisoo tried to knock some sense into her brother's panicking state.

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