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The brunette holds a paint brush as she try to depict her mind down and manifest her fervor through a creative activity.

Jennie staying in Hope Rehabilitation succored her how to handle her fervors as well as her spiritual life and physical being. Jennie revamped herself a lot, she's been attending their seminars about mental health and that inspirited her to do better.

Jennie's fine arts revamped as well. She used to depict something so dark... and deep, her arts used to be full of wrath, torment, and dungeon but those slowly metamorphose into something so bright and lovely. Those paintings of her limn her feelings which means that the feline is starting to get out of her catastrophic tenebrous world with the aid of nothing but herself.

The demoiselle inscribe her name at the lower part of the landscape for her last touch. She digs up a smile upon seeing another art of her. She roamed her eyes at the birds flocking their wings freely together over the peachy sky as the sun about to set behind a mountain, its shadow reflecting below the cavernous frigid cerulean ocean, and a silhouette of a miniature watercraft floating in the midst of the sea.

The painting may look too plain but there is something really deep behind all of its simplicity.

It simply epitomizes freedom. The birds represents the freedom... that even if the darkness surrounds you, it will never be a hindrance for you to chase after the light, it will never stop you from being free, chasing after your dreams and reality.

Hope. The boat symbolizes hope because even if you drown deep down in the ocean and manages to swim through it, there's always a boat that's waiting for you so you can finally sail away.

Strength. The mountains symbolizes strength, it may look so dark and gloomy at night but when the morning comes up, it will show its true colors. Strong, beautiful, serene, and colorful... very pleasing to the eye.

And new beginnings. The sun setting down is the new beginnings because when the sun sets, the moon will shine over the night sky, and the stars will fill up the empyrean but the sun will once again arises with the birds chirping in the morning... and that is for the new story... of us... of you... and of everyone.

Jennie's painting simply expresses that even if the darkness takes over you and drown you deep, there will always be hope that you will get out from it, because there's always a brighter day ahead of you and when the sun finally rises again, and shine upon the darkness that covered you, your light will finally show that will make you stronger so you can finally be free from the the darkness that's haunting you... because at the end of every dark tunnel, there's always a light waiting to beam down at you.

It will take one to understand one though.

The brunette was cut off from her trance when she flinched upon hearing a sudden sound coming from the television. She slowly put the brush down while her eyes fixed in front.

BREAKING NEWS is flashing through the screen that caught her attenion. Jennie listened attentively to the reporter out of inquisitiveness.

"Notorious criminal Kim Ui-Seong, found dead inside his jail cell. The police suspected that the said criminal was beaten and allegedly tortured to death by his inmates, he has multiple stabs on all over the parts of his body. The crime scene happened earlier at 2:12 A.M, they investigated and found out that the clear motive in this crime is murder but they still haven't figured out the reason why. Some of his closest inmates said that the crime is foul play."

Jennie has her mouth hung open and her eyes widen, she let out a gasp as the photos of Seong's corpse starts flashing through the screen without censored. She creased at the stomach-churning sight, his body is bathing in his own pool of blood and his face is almost unknowable due to inflammation.

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