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Everyone carry their own scars
Everyone has deep wounds in their hearts
But it's your choice whether to live in the past or live in the future
Because moving forward with life will find you a cure

I know what you went through
And I'm trying all my best to understand you
Angel, sometimes people get tired too
But that doesn't mean I'm going to give up on you

Everyone is hiding behind a rock
But why did you choose to get trapped in the dark?
Why did you end up lying down on the vastness of the stark?
Instead of battling trying to find a luck

You are not the only one hurting
You are not the only one suffering
Why did you give up instead of fighting?
But don't worry, I'll be with you crossing the lightning


"Can you move a little closer beside her? The angle doesn't look good here though." I gestured for the taller brunette to move a little closer to the feline enchantress as she is the only one at the back; she nodded.

Today is the second shoot for the project. We are in my studio, shooting for the magazine. It has been already three days since Jennie shut me off for the nth time and may I tell you that ever since that day she became someone I don't know.

She became a complete different person from what I've known her.

It really makes me wonder how she managed to completely changed in just a blink of an eye.

She talks to me very civil as if something didn't happen between us, as if she doesn't have any idea who am I at all, as if she didn't tell me she feels the same way and just stole a kiss from me. I have to admit that I still think about that kiss, it's the only thing running in my mind and how the way her plump lip fits perfectly on mine. She tastes like cherry; heaven.

Never in my life I would ever thought that it would be the first and last time I will feel her lips against mine.

It is torture telling someone you feel the same way they do and just ran off and leave them hanging in false hopes.

It's torture holding them as if they are your world, as if your whole universe depended on them and suddenly loosen your grip and give up just like that.

I never once thought in my life that I would be moping over someone who I just known for months... but who am I kidding? You can't tell your heart to whom it should beat for neither stop it from falling.

You don't need to know someone for years just to feel this way because the person you met just yesterday can be much better than the person you know for almost all of your life existence.

Sad is an understatement but I never thought a heart can cry too.

You know how it feels like to get a blessing from God then taking it back right after being contented and happy? That's how I feel.

I felt so happy in a whole minute then newsflash! My world suddenly turned upside down.

My life completely changed when I met her. I cannot function smoothly without her anymore, she became my battery.

It's amusing how one person can change your life forever, isn't it?

"Are you going to continue your job or just keep staring at her?" I heard a familiar blunt voice; no emotions, no feelings, just coldness laced in every inch of her tongue.

I was completely in other dimension. I quickly composed myself back and cleared my throat. I avoid my eyes at the model beside her as she was already a blushing mess.

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