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I am going to show you the brighter side
I will do whatever it takes to get rid of your fright
You are never alone in this fight
Because the man above destined me to enter your life

I will always greet you in the morning to lift you up
I will never put you down because you are always on the top
I know this world is so messed up
But here I am, trying my best to fix you with my love

I want you to know how much I care
Just call my name and I'll always be there
And through thick and thin, I'll always stay here
Until my hair turns in to white golden hair

For you, I am willing to cross the mountains and the sea
Let's paint your life with a good memory
Time will come and you will see
That the past that keeps haunting you will finally set you free


"So Miss Kim, what do you think? Are you in on this project or not?" Mister Park also known as Chaeyoung's father smiled at me.

I just looked at everyone inside the meeting boardroom; each pair of eyes looking intently at me, eagerly waiting for my answer.

"Miss Kim?" The CEO called out; tilting his brow in a questioning manner with a grin plastered on his face.

I scrunched my face up in annoyance. Apparently the 'Chairman' wants me to be the model of our company brand. I really thought that this jerk in front is the same person as the Chairman of the company but it turns out it's his dad.

But the strange thing is... they know who the Chairman is but me and I worked here for years now...

"Why me? I don't have any potential in modeling, Sir. How much more endorsing a huge company brand?" I spoke up as polite as I can; faking a smile to everyone in the room.

Mister Park shook his head, "But the Chairman personally wants you to take part of this huge project. You can be promoted in to a higher position Miss Kim." He said while looking down at me through his glasses.

Geez. I don't like attention and they want me to be the face of their brand? Like, are they even serious? Do they know how serious this is to me? Do they know how much I should gain everything to just do this stupid project they are offering me?

"Sir, with all due respect but I think it's clearly unacceptable to just plan out something without my consent even if it came from the Chairman..." I trailed off, sighing heavy as I try to keep my cool.

"I don't think I can do it. We have Miss Park Chaeyoung and as well as Miss Bae Joo Hyun but why me? I personally think that they can do this project better than me, Sir." I finished the sentence and slump my back on the swivel chair; crossing my arms stiffly as I shoot everyone in the room my intimidating aura.

Chaeyoung gasped; her mouth bigger than the letter O, "M-me? Me?" She stuttered and pointed to herself incredulously. I nodded.

"W-why m-----" Chaeyoung was cut off by the jerk seated idly in his chair.

"No. Miss Jennie Kim will do the project whether she likes it or not." Taehyung said with so much authority; his jaw clenching while raising his brow up, smirking towards my direction.

I scoffed and rolled my eyes mentally. This person really is a jerk.

"I can't do it, CEO. I just can't." I said through muted tones; my nerves stiffening.

"Why?" He pressed; tilting his brow up once again. I gritted my teeth; my head pounding hard in the spur of the moment.

I don't want to get sold to the public ever again! Holy fucking cow, Taehyung!

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