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Honey, yes I know how hard it is to sleep at night
But soon enough, I promise, everything will be alright
I managed to see the thoughts, fears, and pains that you hide
And now that I'm here you are no more having trouble sleeping at night

I really want to see you happy
To see you crying, sad, and pain chokes me
I always want to see that sweet smile of yours that is so lovely and gummy
Honey, it's okay, I can be your open diary

Don't you know you are my happy pill?
And I'm always willing to climb with you up the hill
I can always be the replacement for your wheel
I swear, you don't know how you make me feel

There, there, I'm in love with your gummy smile
The smile that brings me a feeling of jovial
The smile that sets my world on fire
Now take a look at me and don't ever cry

I promise to be your roof in every storm
Because you became my everything
I promise to guard you from the thorn
And now let's begin to write our own happy ending


"Aish!!! Why am I so distracted?! What the fuck is wrong with you, Jennie? Keep your shit together!" I muttered angrily to myself and slammed the papers over my office desk in this huge lonesome house.

"You never slack on work before. Come on!" I gritted my teeth and held my head in exasperation.

I don't know why but I've been very distracted for days now. I feel like something is wrong... like something is bothering me but I just can't put a finger to it.

"Geez. Don't be such a pain in the ass, Jennie! You still have to do a fucking project and a fucking shoot!" I growled to myself as I slammed my fisted hands on my desk once again; making the pen rolled to the ground.

This is so absurd. I am being vexed for no reason at all. This is so unusually me... I'm starting to feel stuffs I didn't feel before and it is starting to creep me out.

These are such an eerie feeling.

"Okay, breathe in and breathe out, Jennie. Inhale and exhale." I said through muted tones yet my teeth still gritting together as I try my best to keep myself calm.

I slowly picked the pen from the ground and brought it to the disarranged papers lying rampant on my desk. I started to write stuffs down the documents; still trying my best to tame myself...

"Oh for fuck sake, Kim Jennie!" I threw the pen on the wall out of frustration; my mind still messing me up.

I don't really fucking know what's wrong.

I don't want to know what's wrong.

"What the fuck is really wrong with you?!" I exclaimed loudly while putting my hands up in the air furiously.

I groaned and hastily rested my forehead on both of my palms; I closed my eyes and still feel the feeling bothering me the hell out.

This is infuriating. I was never this frustrated. I never was.

I clenched my jaw and harshly grabbed my phone the moment I heard it beep. My nerves calmed at the thought of her finally texting me. I heaved a deep sigh as the hope in me increased in the spur of the moment.

I slowly unlocked my phone and a fit of pique visible on my face instantaneously.

It wasn't her. It was Chaeyoung reminding me about the project; asking me if it was really okay with me.

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