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"I guess you already heard the news." Taehyung vocalized in a stern voice, his arms crossed firmly.

He was standing in front of a buff and intimidating man, his eyes narrowed down to him with rage. Taehyung wasn't intimidated, he was mad.

The latter turned his swivel chair around and faced the younger one with a straight face. He mirrored his actions that made Taehyung roll his eyes.

"Seems like you don't even care at all. What kind of a person you are?" Taehyung growled while clenching his jaw.

The hatred he has for him seems to be growing. The only thing he wanted was for him to admit he was wrong and ask for forgiveness but the man seems to be egotistical in his perspective. Taehyung hates that about him.

"What do you want, young man?" He quizzed with a bored tone.

The younger hombre galumphed towards him and smashed his hands down on the table that made the latter flinch a bit.

"You are asking me what the fuck do I want? Really? You are fucking asking me that?" Taehyung quizzed through gritted teeth as his eyes shooting daggers towards him.

He was raging, his face screams nothing but it. His chest heaving up and down heavily, he could beat the man in front of him to death in any minute but he refused to do so.

"Don't talk to me like that, Kim Tae-hyung!" The latter growled, giving him the same look.

Taehyung balled his fist on the table and leaned closer to him, their faces inches apart, "I've lost my respect for you a long time ago." He jumped down on the man's throat, his hot breath hitting his face.

"I will never ever fucking forgive you if it happens to her again." Taehyung continued as his eyes red from rage, he clenched his jaw before continuing.

"I will personally be the one to slit your throat. I swear to all the Gods in this universe!" He roared like a lion king, his breathing is unstable due to the anger he was inducing.

Taehyung stood up and fixed his tie while clenching his jaw, he looked at the man in front of him one last time before finally turning his back against him. He walked intimidatingly and angrily, he stopped mid-way when he heard the latter spoke up.

"I did not want this to happen. No one does." The latter announced at a calm voice before heaving a deep sigh.

Taehyung slowly turned his head around and looked at him incredulously, "You mean, none of this would have happened if you were a good father." He chuckled sarcastically while shaking his head.

"You weren't even there when she needed you the most. You were not fucking there to help her!" He shouted with every bit of his being to let the man know how angry he is.

How he loathes him.

"I swear to God I didn't know what was happening to her that ti---" He was cutted off when Taehyung smashed one of the expensive vases in his office.

With tears descending down his face, the young hombre spoke through rage, "You fucking know what was happening to her! You fucking now! She reached out for help to you, remember?! She reached out to you over the fucking phone screaming for help, dad!!"

The older man was shocked, he couldn't move nor speak. He looked at his son crying heavily and it finally hit him.

Mr. Kim was doing paperworks when his phone suddenly rang. He looked at the unregistered number and knotted his brow in confusion. He rejected the call and continued doing his work.

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