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"What the fuck did you do, you little piece of shit?!" The mid-aged lady yelled; rage evident in her voice and expression.

"Didn't I tell you not to touch anything?! Why didn't you listen to me?!" She continued, hitting a little girl with a broom stick multiple times.

"I--I'm sorry, m-mom." The 12 year old Lisa cried out, stuttering through every words as she cry even more.

This physical beating has been her daily routine with her mom and she just can't seem to pin point why her mother hates her that much.

"How many times do I have to tell you not to touch those?!" She yelled, still hitting Lisa while her eyes red from rage.

"I-I w-was just t-trying to make you a coffee i-in the m-morning, mom." Lisa explained, trying to dodge every hit but miserably failing.

"Don't call me mom! I am not your mother!" She said harshly, pointing the broom at Lisa's face.

Lisa nodded her head at a gallop as the pain rushed through her body. She curled up in a ball, trying to suppress her tears.

'Am I adopted?' The girl started having inquiries with herself. Possible thoughts mingling her mind as she's trying to connect the dots so it could make sense.

"Linda! That's enough! Keep your hands off from your daughter for Christ's sake!" An older lady suddenly appeared at the bottom of the stairs, briskly making her way to Linda.

"Give me that!" The old lady snatched the broom from the latter and threw it relentlessly.

"Are you trying to kill your daughter?!" The lady quizzed in a loud voice, disappointment lacing through her voice.

"She is not my daughter, mom!" The latter protested, tears daring to come out of her eyes.

"Shush yourself, Linda." The old lady replied through gritted teeth as she walked over to Lisa and helped her get up.

"Come here, honey. Get up there." She said calmly, as she pull Lisa up.

Lisa briskly embraced her grandma tightly, finally releasing the tears she was trying to push back. Pain evident in the innocent girl's voice.

"Look what you did once again! You are hurting your own flesh, Linda!" Grandma snarled, drawing circles over Lisa's back, trying to calm her down.

"She is not my daughter, mom! Stop saying that!" The latter howled, tears running down like a flash flood.

"I did not want her! I did not want that kid! You!" Linda exclaimed hysterically, pointing her finger at her mom.

"You are the one who told me to keep that thing not knowing what I will feel!" She cried along with the little girl in her Grandma's arms.

Grandma look at the latter in disbelief, "This kid is innocent, Linda! None of it was her fault! This kid is a blessing!"

Linda laughed dryly while shaking her head incredulously. Lisa just hugged herself even tighter to her Grandma, afraid that her mom will hurt her again.

"Blessing?! Mom, are you crazy?! That kid is a nightmare! She is my nightmare!" The latter exclaimed, gesticulating frantically.

"Don't you dare, Linda!"

Lisa suddenly released from the hug and scampered towards the stairs, crying her lungs out.

"What has gotten in to you?!" Grandma exclaimed, disappointment and rage in her voice.

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