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No more crying in your sleep
I am here to wrap you up until you fall asleep
No more happiness playing hide and seek
I am here to give it all to you in one single beep

No more hugging yourself in the corner
I am here for you to lend my shoulder
No more voices inside your head like a monster
I am here to tame your demons like a brave fighter

No more sad lonely night
I am here to hold you really really tight
No more questioning and doubting about your life
I am here to lead you through the brightest light

I have found you unexpectedly
The way you look was extraordinary
But there was something in your eyes that was gloomy
I found you when life is treating you roughly
And I took a hold of you to make you happy
You don't need to ask me to stay, Jennie
Because I held you tight to let you know I'll be your lifetime company.


"Hey princess!" Mr. Kim called out for his only daughter as he made his way out of his BMW; a smile automatically shaped the small girl's lips.

"Daddyyyy." Jennie scampered towards him; he kneeled down to match her height as the kid engulfed her little arms around him.

"I miss you, daddy. You are never here most of the time." The six year old Jennie pouted.

"I miss you too, baby girl. Don't worry daddy will be here for good now." He gave a little peck on the small girl's temples.

"Hey I got something for you." Mr. Kim brought out something from his bag; it was a big brown teddy bear; Jennie beamed as she briskly grabbed the toy and hugged it.

"Wait, there's more..." He said, smiling lovingly at his daughter as he clicked the teddy bear's nose; making him talk.

"I love you, Jennie. Appa misses you so much. Take care and be a good girl to your Eomma, arasso?" Jennie gasped; hearing her father's voice from the stuffed toy.

"Whenever you misses Appa just click his nose. It would feel like Appa is just there beside you." He said while stroking the innocent child's hair.

"Thank you, daddy." She replied; kissing her father's cheeks.

"Welcome baby." Mr. Kim answered, hugging his daughter tight as he kissed her cheeks too.

"Hey princess?"

"Hmmm?" Little Jennie hummed; resting her head on her Appa's shoulder.

"You know I love you, right?"

"Yes daddy and Nini love you too. So much!" She exclaimed; exaggerating the word so much as she gesticulate her hands in the air.

"Good to know." He smiled at the innocence of his child; feeling slightly guilty as he amble towards their porch.


"Nini! Come over here!" Mr. Kim called out at the running Jennie as he chase her down in circles causing the little girl to giggle continuously.

"Ha! I caught you!" He caught the latter in his hand as he lift her up and twirl her around the air; making the child laughed cutely.

"Put me down, now." Jennie ordered him in her Kiwi accent; still giggling.

"Yes, your highness." He put her down the ground and kneeled in front of her causing the kid to giggle once again.

"No, Appa. Stand up. You don't have to kneel in front of me because you are my father. You are my king." Jennie innocently said; grinning at her dad. Mr. Kim frowned but kept his smile to avoid Jennie from getting suspicious.

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