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I looked at myself in front of the mirror, contemplating whether to put a darker shade of lipstick or a lighter one.

I am really not in the mood to deal with people today especially that I still have an aftershock about what happened yesterday. Everything still hasn't sink in me.

Lisa. All I could ever think about was Lisa ever since I came back home up to now. Imagine, the liveliest and radiant girl I have ever met is going through something almost similar as mine. My heart aches for her, I suddenly turned cold feet.

"I-I'm sorry..." I stuttered as I pulled away to catch my breath. Lisa instantaneously shook her head in response.

"I shouldn't have done that... it's just tha---" I was suddenly cutted off when Lisa caught me off guard by smashing her lips delicately against mine.

I can feel the butterflies in my stomach in chaos, my heart beating frantically at the sudden contact of her lips against mine for the second time. Lisa's lips are as soft as a cloud, it taste like heaven.

But something told me this isn't right. My conscience is telling me I shouldn't let this thing happen.

I closed my eyes as I started having inner debate with myself. I felt Lisa cupped my cheeks as she deepened the kiss. I felt a sudden pang in my chest.


I involuntarily shoved Lisa away and focused my gaze on the ground, "Jen, I'm sorry..." Lisa tried to held my hand but I was quick to step back.

I looked up at her and saw her frowning, I kept my blank face as I still feel the little pang in my chest getting heavier.

"Let's just go home, Lisa. I'm tired." Lisa nodded as she started walking towards her car, I silently followed.

Why do I feel like this?

Just minutes ago I was so eager and confident to start a new beginning with Lisa but why did I suddenly change my mind?

My heart and my mind were in sync earlier, why did my mind took a U-turn? I feel so imprisoned with the demon living in my head, I became a slave.

The thought of me taking a risk scared me, I realized I wasn't ready yet. The thought of letting someone in my life once again triggered me. I shouldn't. I won't.

I should not let my walls break down easily, I spend years building it and I won't let anyone break it. Not even myself, not even Lisa.

But my heart tells me otherwise...

For Pete's sake, Jennie Kim! Keep your shits together.

This is just mere attachment. That's it, nothing else.

"Jen, let's go?" I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard Lisa's soft voice.

She was already in the driver seat, looking at me with her brown orbs showing nothing but concern. I quickly avoided eye contact.

"Let's get you home, angel." She cracked a sweet smile and I just nodded.

I walked up to the passenger seat and buckled myself up. Lisa started the engine and drove away.

As we were passing by the trees and establishments, I can feel her glancing at me every now and then. I heard a soft and beautiful melody coming out of her mouth as she hums a song, I shot my direction towards her.

KILL THIS LOVE (BOOK 1)Where stories live. Discover now