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Today, Lisa got discharge. Me and Taehyung quickly fetch her up so we could take her home. Last night was a heart break. I tried my best to get over it because she might just having a hard time accepting everything...

So am I though.

But with her being beside me, I know everything will be easier.

I smiled as I enter her hospital room. I swiftly engulfed her into a hug but she didn't hug me back. I frowned at her actions but masked it up by smiling at her.

"Why are you guys even here?" Lisa blandly asked, I kept my smile as I try to put my act well.

"We will drive you home, Lali. You need to rest there." Taehyung sighed but Lisa just looked at him with her eyes piercing cold.

"I can drive." She replied with the same tone she used earlier.

"Don't be stubborn. You need to relax yourself for a bit. Come on, we can grab breakfast on the way home." Taehyung replied before leaving out of the room leaving Lisa with no choice but to obey him.

I slowly put my hands over her shoulder and disinter a small smile, "We are on this together."

Lisa stared at me from head to toe and vice versa, I saw the pain in her eyes that made a breaking sound in my heart to occur. Her eyes suddenly turned back to being bland when she shove my hand away.

She gave me a one last cold glance before walking out of the room, leaving me glued on my stance as I follow her with my gaze. I closed my eyes and heaved a deep shaky breath obnoxiously.

"I guess coming here is a bad idea." I whispered hurtfully to myself before trailing behind her.

We finally reached the parking lot, Taehyung quickly opened the door for us. Lisa and I both take the back seat with a great space between us. I sighed simultaneously scrutinizing her side features.

Taehyung roared his engine up and started driving, "Do you want to eat anything, Lali?" He quizzed while looking at Lisa on the rear view mirror.

"I am not hungry. Just take me home." Lisa replied tiredly and I knew in that moment that she was in pain.

She is in deep pain, the tone of her voice sounds like giving up. I know she is just having a hard time, this isn't her.

Lisa a ray of sunshine and she doesn't deserve this. I kind of think that it's my fault because if it weren't for me, she wouldn't find out that he is her father. It breaks me as much as it breaks her but I can't be weak this time. Lisa needs me and it is time for me to do the same for her. She helped me pick myself up pieces by pieces and now that I got my justice, why does everything became even more complicated and hard?

Why fate doesn't want us to be happy? What did we do in the past life that we have to suffer like this?

Lisa lowered her head simultaneously heaving a deep sigh. A frown instantaneously made its way to my face.

Gosh, if I can only take her pain away, I would...

But I am probably one of the reasons why she is in pain right now.

"What?" Lisa snapped her head towards me, her cold raspy voice sent me back to reality and cut me off from my trance while her eyes are narrowed.

I gulped before shaking my head in response, I bit my lip and swiftly look away. Ignoring the pang in my chest that is starting to appear once again.

Lisa huffed on her stance, promptly piqued at my presence. She harshly pull her mobile phone out of her pocket and grabbed her earphones from the other one. Lisa slowly tilt her head in my direction, probably seeing that I am staring again. I quickly avoid eye contact and leaned my forehead on the windshield.

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