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You are the first thing I can think of in the morning
Tell me this isn't me day dreaming.
This isn't me hallucinating. 
Because the thought of you stays in my mind until evening.

Honey, I want to get rid of your frown
And replace it with a crown
I'll make you wear a gown
And together we will escape this town
I will never ever let you drown
Please take my hand and I will be your clown

Is this merely an infatuation?
Or is there something deep down more?
Are you the answer to my equation?
Or the results to my evaluation?
Do you know you make my heart sore?
You are just really my solution?
Because honey, I swear I think cupid hit me with precision.

"Here I come kickin' the door uh." Lisa yelled as soon as she burst into the snuggly café shop of her friend; marginally kicking the glass door while holding her camera, earning miniature chuckles from everyone who was beguiled by her puerilities.

"Pranpriya! If that ever breaks, your ass will pay for that!" Jisoo scold; piqued at her friend.

Lisa chuckled making her way towards Jisoo as she mockingly make strange small dance steps, waving her long arms from left to right as she dance in circles around the small latter.

"Yah! Get out! Get out!" The shop owner pinched her ear, stopping her from doing any more weird dances. Lisa laughed; convulsed at her piqued friend.

"Well, good morning to you too, Chu!" Lisa greeted her, grinning like an innocent and cheeky child that she is. The latter pinched her ear harder; causing Lisa to yelp as she continued to laugh.

"Jisooyah! Ow!" Lisa shrieked causing Jisoo to give her an eye roll as she released her hand.

The taller girl pursed her lips, feigning hurt, "Quit that you baboon. Get out of here!"Jisoo shoved her face, pushing her towards the exit door. Lisa gasped; prying the older latter's hands off her face.

"No pets allowed inside my shop. Get out." Lisa used all her strength to pry her hands off. She briskly held Jisoo's wrist; lifting her up as she place her over her shoulders.

"Pranpriya put me down now!" Jisoo started yelling; slapping the taller girl's back as she continue to kick her foot. Lisa tightened her grip, laughing as loud as she can. Everyone inside the shop watched them in mirthfulness as they are already immune with the duo's childish banters.

"Put me down or you are not able to enter my shop ever again!" Jisoo snickered; crossing her arms, lying flat over the latter's shoulder.

Lisa curled her lips into an 'O' shape as she put the latter down the ground. Jisoo in no time smacked the back of Lisa's head hard; earning a snort and a chuckle from her.

"You are such a nice friend." Lisa snorted, scrunching her face up; pretending to gag.

"That's how I show my love to you, Lisayah." Jisoo said sweetly, smiling innocently as she clasped her hands together; batting her lashes at the silver haired girl. Lisa creased, poking her tongue out in fake disgust; pretending to puke.

They both look at each other and instantaneously broke into a fit of laughter. Jisoo stopped laughing as she put a blank face on which the latter did too; both staring weirdly at each other, scrunching their nose up as they cracked up once again.

"You are ugly." Jisoo stated, still laughing hard; slapping her hands on her thighs.

"So are you my dear Unnie." Lisa mocked; grinning as she took shots of Jisoo laughing hysterically.

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