Chapter 2 ➛Hot Blood Burning in My Veins

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His hand was shaking as he tried to steady his quill. 

He lifted the tip from the parchment, not wanting his nervosity to show in his writing. 

''Why is this so hard?'' he muttered leaning back against his chair. 

He took a deep breath and dipped his quill in the bottle of ink next to the parchment.

He was convinced that sending you an invitation by letter was easier than to ask you face to face, which he now considered equally hard. He was afraid that he might use stupid words or spell words incorrectly.

All these sudden insecurities made him feel frustrated. Ever since he saw you step through the Fiendfyre that night, he couldn't stop thinking about you because he knew now that you were loyal to him. 

But he was feeling more and he was afraid but excited to discover what it meant. 

Once he had finally managed to finish the letter he pressed his Deathly Hallows wax seal on the envelope to bind it. 

He heaved a sigh and wondered if he'd send someone to deliver it or bring it himself.

He was quite ashamed that he felt like this. He was Gellert Grindelwald, the greatest wizard of all times, and he was nervous to ask someone out.

He dreaded that his reputation might shatter completely by something so small and humane. 

Finally, when he had overcome his self-pity, he stood up and strode down the corridor to your room.

He raised a trembling hand, ready to knock against the wooden surface of the door. 

He withdrew his hand hesitantly, touching his head in frustration. 

He could hear your voice from inside and leaned a little closer, eager to hear what you were saying. 

You were with Queenie.

''Truth or dare?'' she asked challenging. ''Truth,'' you said. 

Grindelwald leaned against the door, straining to hear what she'd ask. 

''You always choose truth!'' Queenie said amused. ''I just don't like to dare,'' you replied smirking broadly. ''Also, I don't trust you. Who knows what tasks and crazy ideas will come to your mind,'' you whispered grinning.

''You take that back, (Y/N) this instant!'' she shrieked hitting your head playfully with a pillow.

 ''Alright, what's the question?'' you asked. 

''Hmm, let me think,'' she said tapping a finger against her chin. ''Alright, I have one,'' she said finally. ''Have you ever been in love, and so yes with who?'' she asked eagerly.

Your P.O.V

I watched her expressionless. There it was, the cliche of truth or dare, and probably the most feared and uncomfortable. 

I was convinced that this question was on her mind for a long time but she was waiting for the opportune moment to ask me. 

I didn't want to tell her about my messed up feelings right now, though she did seem confident that it was alright to ask and I didn't want to make her feel uncomfortable.

I had been struggling with my own feelings for some time now, not completely sure what they all meant. I had a suspicion I might be in love, but I wasn't sure yet so I decided to keep it to myself for now.

''You asked me two questions, Queenie.'' 

''Choose one,'' I ordered taking a sip from my tea. 

Loyal till the end ➢Gellert Grindelwald X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now