Chapter 4 ➛Lithium Love

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He quickly returned the portrait to the drawer and opened the door with wandless magic.

''Queenie?'' he said surprised as Queenie strode into his office. ''What are you doing here so early in the morning.''

He was back to his 'intimidating leader' self and Queenie stumbled a little over her words.

''Uhm, I- I got a letter from my sister,'' she said holding up an envelope. ''I thought you might want to know what it says,'' she said slowly stepping forward, waiting for a reaction.

He was looking in the distance, his eyes held a thoughtful expression.

''Read,'' he demanded softly.

Queenie trembled a little as she removed the parchment from the envelope.

''Dear Queenie,

I hope you realize by now he persuaded you with his 'pretty words' to join him? It's not your fault, there are many who made the same mistake and fell for his lies.

He's not the answer!

I don't blame you for this, Queenie. And know that you can still return. Leave all this nonsense behind and return to your friends, your family.

Jacob loves you so much, if you don't want to return for us, then come back for him.

By the way, I have a message for Grindelwald. You know Credence won't be of any use to you. He's emotionally unstable, I know he is. He misses Nagini, feels lonely and is unsure about what he's supposed to do now he knows who he is.

Queenie, please stop following him and his dream. It won't become reality if he uses force and kills everyone who stands in his way.

I miss you so much, sis. I hope you make the right decision this time,



She looked up concerned. ''What should we do, sir?'' she asked hesitantly.

He was still looking in the distance, but his eyes seemed troubled now.

He rubbed his temples with closed eyes. ''This Muggle. This Jacob. How do you feel about him?'' he asked.

Queenie shrugged with a hurt expression. ''I'm not sure. He called me crazy, twice. He thinks I'm a freak. He doesn't want me, he made that much clear,'' she said her eyes watering and clenching her jaw.

''He might not want you now. But he will. Once he realizes what we are doing is for the good of all people. He'll return to you.''

''What about the letter, sir?'' she asked holding it up.

For the first time, he faced her. ''Do as you like,'' he said dismissively. ''It is our decision to make a problem out of this or not.''

Queenie nodded and turned to leave.

''Queenie, could you tell (Y/N) when she wakes up I'm here waiting for her?'' he asked quickly. ''Of course, sir,'' she said nodding slightly.

You yawned widely as the early morning sun shone onto your face. You hadn't closed the curtains the night before, so now you woke early.

You leaned back against the pillow, relaxing and enjoying the peace and quiet.

You weren't used to such silence. You had never really been out of town before, so this was a big change for you. One you enjoyed, nevertheless.

You stepped out of bed and got dressed.

Loyal till the end ➢Gellert Grindelwald X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now