Chapter 19 ➛Fix Me Won't You?

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A/N: (L/N)= Your last name

Tom Riddle.

It was official now. I had a little brother. A little brother whose name was Tom Riddle.

It felt weird to think about it because I had always been convinced I was an only child, but this proves I've been wrong after all.

(Y/N) Riddle.

That sounded weird. It could've been my last name if my parents had decided to give me a fake surname too before they left me at the orphanage.

Was (L/N) really the name my family had? Or did they also give me a fake name to cover up the tracks I was their daughter?

That would make sense if what my father said in the dream was true. If they really gave me up to protect me, it would be more than smart to give me a different last name.

''So I really have a little brother, then?'' I whispered watching my hands again. Grindelwald nodded slowly, searching my face for any displayed emotions.

I looked at him, tears welling up in my eyes. Why did they do this? Why did they make me believe I'm all alone? Why'd they give me up, and make me believe they're dead, while in reality they aren't and they could've cared for me?

The thought of having a little brother made me furious. It made me furious to think they gave me up for my so-called safety but take another child afterward. That just made no sense at all.

''As I said before, I know this comes as a shock to you.'' He placed his hands on my shoulders and started to massage them. ''But we need him. Like we need you. Like I need you.''

I raised my head to look into his eyes.

They were filled with sympathy and sadness, but also with earnest. This meant my little brother was very important for the movement. But why was he telling me this? I should have absolutely no say in this. And now it feels like he's asking for my permission?

His eyes twinkled, and I couldn't help but forget the anger and smile weakly at him.

Is it because he cares about me? Like, really cares about me? Or am I just his toy, and does he only do this because he doesn't want me to be angry with him?

Those thoughts shocked me. How could I think such things about him? He had cared for me ever since I joined the Greater Good, and maybe even before that. Cared more about me than any real living human has ever done.

''Sir, what do you know about him?'' I asked softly.

He stopped massaging me and sighed, his hands slowly dropping down my arms until he reached my hands and took them in his.

''He was born on 31 December 1926, which was last year, which means he's only one right now. He lives in the same orphanage you did. In his future lie great things. I do not know what things exactly, but they'll be great.''

As he told me this, it took me a moment to process it all. ''But if he's only one, we need to wait until he's older aren't we?''

Grindelwald shook his head. ''No, we aren't going to wait. He's going to be with us before the week is out.''

I furrowed my brow in confusion. ''Sir, how are we supposed to do that? Even if we get him now, he'll be only one and we still need to wait until he's grown up.''

Again, he shook his head. ''Tell me, (Y/N). How much do you know about time travel?''

''So, you want to steal a time-turner from the Ministry of Magic, let me travel through time until he's eleven, go back in time just before Dumbledore enters his room and bring him here?''

Loyal till the end ➢Gellert Grindelwald X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now