Chapter 36 ➛The Great Fires

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He stared down at me with a casual expression.

''You might be, but he obviously isn't,'' he said pointing over his shoulder at Grindelwald.

''You know nothing of him,'' I whispered, venom overflowing my voice. He grinned and approached Grindelwald who was still laying there on his back.

I glanced over at him and noticed his chest was still slowly rising and falling which made me relax slightly.

His eyes had closed now and it was obvious he was having trouble at breathing.

''What did you do to him!'' I shouted with as much strength I possessed. It felt like I shouted at the top of my lungs, but all it was was a weak whisper. I felt tired and my cloak had soaked with blood at certain places.

''Oh, nothing that special. Just a spell to make him die very slowly so we all can enjoy the little process of his decease. Maybe make some pictures or tape the whole thing?''

I glared at him and tried to grab my wand, but it was gone. I glanced sideways and saw it lying in the snow several feet away.

I got up on my hands and knees and slowly moved toward it. I had only progressed a foot or two before I fell down again exhausted by my attempt. I breathed heavily and reached for my wand but only my fingertips touched the wood.

The man was watching me with a bored expression. ''Are you done?'' he asked.

''So you can kill me?'' I spat glaring up at the cloaked figure.

I closed my eyes as I felt the tears sting and sighed. ''What do you want from me?'' I asked reopening them as a first tear dropped onto my cheek.

The same sickening grin as before returned, and he slowly approached me. I watched him move until he stood in front of me and looked down at me.

He slowly crouched and took my wand from the ground. He examined it slowly and then tucked it away into his cloak. ''What I want, is for you to suffer,'' he whispered, stroking my cheek with the same grin.

I moved away from his hand and continued glaring.

''And I'm not going to kill you. I want you to suffer. I want you to suffer until you wish you were dead. Until there's nothing to save you from yourself.''

He grinned and stood up. ''That's what I want from you.''

It was over. There was no way out of this situation. I had screwed up my only chance.

I glanced at Grindelwald with tears in my eyes and slowly crawled toward him, leaving a trail of dark red spots in the snow behind me.

The man turned and watched me make my way toward Grindelwald and waited for me to settle next to him. I sat up clutching my chest and reached a hand back until my fingers connected with the knobby wooden surface of Grindelwald's wand.

I felt an unusual power surge through my body and a sudden rush of energy and adrenaline.

The man approached me and tilted his head slightly. ''There's nothing you can do to save him now. No magic can save him.''

I closed my eyes, fighting back the tears and tried to calm myself.

''What are you planning to do to me?''

His expression turned thoughtful and he had a glint in his eyes that was highly intimidating. ''Some torture here and there, emotionally and physically. Break you down, piece by piece, until there's nothing left of your pathetic little life. We'll make sure your little brother will be tortured in front of your eyes. There will be nothing left of you. You will be able to join Miss. Goldstein as a dark creature. You will be hated even more than you are now, no one will want to help you. You will be truly alone with your thoughts. And that can be the worst torture of all, I should know.''

Loyal till the end ➢Gellert Grindelwald X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now