Chapter 34 ➛Crumbling Friendship

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I sat on my bed, staring at Owyn who was staring back at me with bright amber eyes. ''I want to talk about this,'' I said tiredly.

What's there to talk about? he asked softly. You're going to give up the connection we have, so you can save him. There is nothing more to say.

''I know you don't want me to. And I'm sorry, but I don't have a choice. This is the only way,'' I said softly. I don't know how many times I had apologized to him, but I wanted him to know that this isn't what I'd prefer either.

I know, (Y/N), and it's ok. I understand, but please, don't forget about me. I chose you for a reason, he said.

I nodded and stood up to leave the room. Are you going to tell him what you're about to do?

I froze and slowly looked around. ''No.''

I'm sorry, Owyn.

He left my mind and I left the room.

I was afraid that when I'd tell him about the potion he wouldn't let me do it. Besides, what would the point be of telling him and risking his life?

I made my way to my former quarters and softly knocked against the door.

I had told Grindelwald I was taking Tom out for a walk because I decided it was time to tell him that I was his sister.

The door creaked open and Tom glanced outside anxiously. ''Oh, hi (Y/N).'' He opened the door completely and smiled curtly.

''Are you ready?'' I asked. He nodded and joined me in the corridor.

We left the castle and went into the forest.

I enjoyed the cold breeze and the soft creaking of the trees around us. We walked for a few moments in silence, listening to the crunching snow before I decided it was time to build up a conversation.

''Have you made some friends, yet?'' I asked throwing him a sideways glance.

He was walking with his hands in his pockets, head down. ''Credence has been nice to me,'' he said quietly.

''Only Credence? I expected such an excited and enthusiastic boy would make at least hundreds of friends in one day,'' I said chuckling.

He didn't reply and only kept walking.

''Hey,'' I said grabbing his shoulder. ''Are you alright?''

He turned to me and just then I noticed the tears on his face. He wiped them away and tried to continue walking but I grabbed his arms and he flinched at the touch. ''What happened?'' I asked concerned.

He tried to wriggle out of my grip, but I wouldn't let him and he wailed softly. I glanced at his arms where I was holding them and noticed the fabric was moist. ''Nothing. Please let me go,'' he said, desperation in his voice. I pushed his sleeves up and saw several deep cuts. Blood was oozing from them and a drop was already trailing down onto my hand.

''Tom, who did this?'' I said, anger bubbling up. ''Tell me what's going on.''

He shook his head and yanked his arms from my grasp. ''Nothing. It's fine.''

I watched him concerned. ''Tom, you can tell me,'' I tried reaching for his hand. He pulled away and more tears came to his eyes. ''Don't you understand? I can't tell you. He'll hurt you too,'' he said backing away.

I furrowed my brow and watched him confused. ''Who's he? Tom, I can help you.'' I slowly walked toward him.

''No, please. Stay away from me. I don't want to hurt you,'' he said, tears now dripping down his chin. ''Please.''

Loyal till the end ➢Gellert Grindelwald X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now