Chapter 22 ➛Echoes of The Heart

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Today was the day.

Today, was the day I was going to meet my little brother, Tom Riddle. The one person that is essential for the Greater Good.

I had to admit, I had never been this nervous in my entire life. Not even when I was being chased by Aurors.

What if something would go wrong? What would happen if he noticed or recognized anything similar between us? Once he'd start asking questions I would break, for sure.

I preferred him not to know we were related, because what else would that bring us but trouble?

What would he think?

Probably the same I did when I heard from Grindelwald that I had a younger brother after thinking my parents died for almost my entire life. But we didn't know what he was capable of yet. It would be foolish and dangerous to find out by becoming enemies.

Grindelwald had told me great things lay in his future. What if those great things involved a curse, or maybe he was something like an Obscurus. As long as you're on their good side, you're safe. But once you step onto their bad side, you're screwed. They'll never forget, and revenge will always be their heart's desire.

It might be better if I just kept my distance. It might not be a good thing for me to grow attached to this boy. It might be better for both of us not to.

Since Queenie was also one of my main priorities I supposed I'd just focus on that while Tom would be around. It was the only thing that felt like I had a hold on.

I had finally found out how to save her, and I couldn't wait for this all to be over with. Because once it was, I would be able to kidnap Jacob Kowalski and save Queenie.

I must've been staring with a troubled expression, because Grindelwald reached out and placed his hand on mine, watching me concerned.

''It's going to be fine. I promise. Don't worry,'' he whispered, giving my hand a gentle squeeze.

I sighed and gazed out of the window of his office.

Right now, people were infiltrating the Ministry of Magic to steal a Time-Turner so I could go back in time, and get Tom from the year 1937. The year where Tom would be eleven and ready to go to Hogwarts and use his magic.

It was terrible to be sitting here, waiting for them to return.

I wasn't doubting them. Not in the slightest. These people were the most skilled and experienced followers Grindelwald had. Especially when it came down to the Ministry of Magic.

They were all ex-Aurors, who had chosen Grindelwald over the Minister of Magic. There was no possible way for them to fail. But it was also not what I was worried about.

The thing that was troubling me, was the idea to go forth in time to fetch someone I would rather not meet in the first place.

I also feared I might grow to hate him. Especially because he might be a lot like me.

Grindelwald told me to just wait how things would turn, which was one of the hardest things to do if you always think about what could happen.

My thinking was intruded by a knock on the door and I gasped in surprise.

Grindelwald stood up and shot me a quick smile before he walked towards the door and opened it.

In, walked the people who had infiltrated the Ministry in what must've been a world record. Even though it felt like an eternity, they were only gone for half an hour.

Loyal till the end ➢Gellert Grindelwald X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now