Chapter 41 ➛The Next Step

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Excitement and nervosity pulsed through my body as I considered what was about to happen.

It hadn't been crystal clear what he had meant. But if he meant what I thought he had meant, then I had all reason to be nervous.

I had never been close enough to anyone to start a real relationship, so every step that he and I took forward, was all new to me.

I knew I wasn't his first. But I didn't care about that. It might even be a good thing that at least one of us really knows what they're doing.

I held on tightly to his arm, sensing that he felt somewhat nervous too. But it made me smile. It was good to know that even he, the impenetrable and emotionless man, also had the same experiences as any other human.

The knot of nervosity in my stomach didn't go away. Worse, it made me look around a little anxious when I realized that we had arrived back in our room at the familiar castle of Nurmengard.

He noticed this and looked into my eyes. ''Are you sure?''

I stared into his calming eyes for a second. My mind was racing. Did I want this? Was I sure? Because once done, there was no way back. I had never even thought I would lose my virginity in the first place, but now I seemed to have to make the choice in less than a second.

But then I felt a strange calmness run over my body and I smiled at him, then nodded and took his hand.

''This is just all very new to me. I'm just a little nervous.''

I knew that 'a little' was underestimated, but I didn't want to look like a chicken. People of my age weren't usually virgins.

He smiled charmingly before rubbing my arms. ''We can go slowly if you like?'' he said.

I smiled again and nodded.

Then I felt his hands retreat from my arms and he slowly moved them towards the buttons of my dress.

I swallowed my anxiety and breathed in his familiar scent. It made me feel a little calmer, but my heart was still thumping madly with every move he made.

''If you want me to stop, just say so,'' he said before my dress dropped down onto the ground and I stood there in my undergarments.

I felt exposed and ashamed at first. But once he started to kiss me, slowly at first, the shame washed away and I started tucking at his clothes.

He slowly took them off, keeping his eyes on me all the time. And when he returned to me again, he was only wearing his trousers.

He slowly lead me to the bed, while kissing my lips passionately. I sat down and he kneeled in front of me. Looking up for permission, he slowly started taking off my knickers.

I felt my hands tremble and felt the anxiety in my chest rise.

He noticed this and placed soft kisses on my knee and thigh, while slowly removing my knickers completely.

I closed my eyes for a moment and tried to calm myself down. Which worked, eventually, and I focused on him standing in front of me.

''Are you ready?'' he asked slowly as his own pants dropped onto the floor.

I took a deep breath and then nodded with a smile.

I sighed contently as I felt his fingers move down my bare back, trailing my spine with his fingertips.

After our lovemaking, he had pulled on his pajama trousers and offered me a pair too. He knew by now that I found them more comfortable than my nightdress. I was glad that he didn't think anything of me because I preferred trousers over a dress.

Loyal till the end ➢Gellert Grindelwald X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now