Chapter 8 ➛Surprises

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Once I had changed I returned to his quarters, a bit shaky.

He stood in the middle of the room, casting spells, his wand aloft. 

I watched him quizzically. ''Against the cold. I suppose you prefer warmth,'' he said raising his platinum-blonde eyebrows.

I watched him move his wand elegantly in the air.

''You may lie down if you want,'' he said nodding his head towards the bed.

I nodded and carefully petted Owyn before I got under the warm covers. ''But I thought you liked the cold,'' I said hiding my grin behind the blankets. ''I do,'' he shrugged. ''But I don't think you do.''

I thought about a fitting response. 

''Sometimes I do, it can be nice on the right occasions. As long as it's not freezing,'' I chuckled lightly. He smiled at me. ''It's good to see you laughing again,'' he said lowering his wand. ''It feels good, too. It pains me to realize it will be gone once I wake up from another nightmare."

He approached me and joined me under the warm covers. ''Owyn is with you now, and so am I. Don't worry. Everything is going to be fine,'' he said, placing a soft kiss on my forehead.

Alright, now I'm confused.

Oh, already?

Shut up. I don't think he does it on purpose, but why is he playing with my feelings like this? Why would he have told me to forget about the kiss if he liked me too?

Because he's afraid.

Why would he be afraid?

I don't know, ask him.

I hadn't realized I had been staring at him. ''Is something wrong?'' he asked slowly. I shook my head and forced the thoughts away. ''Sleep well, (Y/N). I'll be here when you awake,'' he said raising his hand. The lights dimmed until only the moon provided us of light.

I rolled onto my side so I faced him. ''Thank you, sir,'' I said appreciatively. ''No matter. You should try and get some sleep, you must be exhausted,'' he said.

I allowed the drowsiness to slowly take over, his face being the last thing I saw before I fell asleep.

I had the same nightmare, but the part where my father was still nice had been left out.

I gasped in fright when I woke up and quickly clamped my hand against my mouth when I remembered Grindelwald lay beside me. But I had acted too late, he had already noticed. He was facing my way, laying on his side. His eyes didn't contain any hint of sleepiness.

His arm slithered around my waist and he pulled me onto my side, close to him. I had to admit, I felt safe in his arms, even if I wasn't supposed to.

I snuggled up against his bare chest as he held me tightly in his strong arms. He started caressing my back and didn't stop until I relaxed. ''What was it about?'' he asked softly. His voice was so tender and calming. ''The same as before,'' I whispered. I was on the verge of tears and he continued caressing my back.

''It's okay,'' he soothed. ''It's okay.''

He held me in his arms until we both fell asleep. The rest of the night, I didn't have any more nightmares.

I woke up in his warm, pale, strong arms. It made me feel safe when he held me like that.

He was also awake, but he pretended to be asleep so he could hold me just a little longer.

I looked up at his handsome face.

You're worthless

I tried to fight the thought but I couldn't stop the tears. I buried my face against his chest as the tears leaked through.

Loyal till the end ➢Gellert Grindelwald X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now