Chapter 24 ➛Love's Language

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I slowly felt my consciousness returning, and I looked up at a white sky. I felt movement, but my legs weren't walking. My arms hung by my sides but never touched the ground. I felt someone carrying me, but I couldn't see a face. I only heard a voice, ''Everything's going to be alright, darling.''

I blinked, and the next thing I heard was two voices talking. 

''With a wound like that, there isn't much chance at survival. The spell was aimed at her heart. There's but a slight chance that she'll wake up.''

I wanted to scream, to yell that I was not dead. But my body didn't do as I told it to. I felt terribly sore and stiff.

''Isn't there anything we can do to make sure she'll survive?'' It was the same voice as before. The warm, soft but also familiar voice. ''Anything at all?''

''I'm sorry, sir. But all we can do is await what faith will bring her.''

Then the voices turned into mumbles, and I heard doors open, then close again. Then, there were footsteps, the scraping sound of a chair and I sensed someone being close to me.

My hand was taken from the bed and was held by another.

''Why does this happen to you? Why does he have to do this to you?''

There it was again. That voice. It made me want to jump up and scream I wasn't dead. I wanted to run. Show them I couldn't be killed by a single spell. But my body wouldn't move, and my mouth refused to form any words.

I felt a hand on my brow, slowly caressing me and tucking my hair behind my ear. Then, I felt his lips on mine. 

I slowly lifted my eyelids, but almost immediately dropped them again. They felt so heavy, that I wondered if I would be able to hold them open for longer than five seconds. I opened my mouth to talk, but all I made was a small squeaky noise. I very slowly felt the control over my body return to me and I slowly turned my head towards him, resting it on the soft pillow.

I lifted my eyelids halfway, not feeling strong enough to fully open them, but it was enough to see the person in front of me. 

It was him.

Gellert Grindelwald. 

His eyes were watering and his cheeks were moist.

He was crying.

''I love you, (Y/N). Please, don't die.''

He softly pecked my lips again and sighed heavily as he slowly retreated.

I barely opened my mouth and tiredly mumbled, ''Ge-Gellert.''

His face cleared immediately and he raised his eyebrows, watching me with surprise and wonder, but the main emotion showing on his face was hope. ''I'm not dead, yet,'' I mumbled weakly as a small smile came to my lips and my eyes closed again.

A small smile played on his face. ''I love you, too,'' I muttered with closed eyes.

''Thank god.'' He closed his own eyes, and raised my hand to his lips and gently planted a small kiss on my knuckles.

''My beautiful woman.''

But then, suddenly I gasped as a wave of sharp pain came from my shoulder.

He opened his eyes and watched me concerned. I looked down at my chest and saw the origin of the pain was bandaged. 

I tried to push myself upright, but I couldn't. My entire body was aching and stiff.

''Please, darling. You need to rest. It's a miracle you survived what has happened,'' he whispered softly.

Then everything returned to me. The chase. The spell. Jonathan. The Time-Turner.

Loyal till the end ➢Gellert Grindelwald X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now