Chapter 32 ➛A Bottle of Red

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As the days went by, I was mainly focussing on gathering the ingredients I needed for the potion. Once I would have managed to find every single one, I would look for Charlie Porter who I hoped would help me prepare the potion.

I kept the scroll with instructions with me at all times. Right now that was one of the things I couldn't lose or my life would become a living hell.

I also spent the time I had left with Grindelwald. My desire to be with him only grew as time passed and I trusted him completely.

He sometimes noticed something wasn't right and I'd usually make something up to cover up the truth which made me feel terrible.

I wanted to be honest with him, but I feared what he might do. Lately, there was so much going on that I needed some time to think about everything to get a good look at what I still needed to do and what was important. And strangely enough, I did find calmness now and then.

Knobbs was reporting to me about Jacob, and Vinda had taken over from him.

''Can I ask you something?'' I asked the house-elf, cutting him off while he was telling me about Jacob. He seemed annoyed by this but nodded.

I looked around, making sure there was no one who could be eavesdropping on us. ''I've almost got all the ingredients but there's one ingredient I couldn't find in the storage here. Do you know where I might find it?'' I asked quietly.

I had wondered where I might be able to find this last ingredient but I couldn't think of any place where it might be.

''That depends on what it is, of course,'' he said grumpily.

Despite his bad attitude, I liked Knobbs, sometimes he could be quite a pain though.

''Arnica,'' I said searching his face for a reaction.

He started shaking his head and looked at me. ''You're right there, missy, those ain' in the castle. They're too dangerous so Master Grindelwald decided it'd be better not to have them.'' I nodded understandingly.

''Do you know where I might be able to find them?'' I asked trying not to sound desperate.

He was watching me thoughtfully. ''I do know a person who owns some items that Master Grindelwald wouldn' be happy with,'' he said hesitantly.

''What's their name?'' I asked eagerly. ''Samuel Davids. If I ain' mistaken, miss,'' he said.

I froze. Why? I thought frustrated. Of all people, why him.

I sighed and nodded. ''Where can I find him?''

The next five minutes I was wandering around the castle trying to find the right quarters that belonged to Samuel Davids. Knobbs had given me instructions but those seemed vague now I needed to follow them.

I really didn't want to see the face of that man again, but I needed to if I wanted to save the man I loved so I was convinced it would be worth it and I wouldn't let anything happen to me.

Finally, I stood in front of the door which belonged to Samuel Davids. ''Here goes nothing,'' I mumbled, knocking against the door.

At first, I felt a little anxious but slowly I grew more confident that I was able to take care of myself and that this man would get what he deserved.

Heavy footsteps approached the door and it opened only seconds later. I stood in front of the man who had danced with me twice against my will. ''Well, well. See who's returned to me,'' he said smirking as he leaned against the doorpost.

''I'm not here for you, Davids.''

He grinned. ''You remembered my name, that's cute.''

I ignored his comment. ''I've heard you own some peculiar, dangerous and probably considered illegal items, about which I want to ask you some questions.''

Loyal till the end ➢Gellert Grindelwald X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now