Chapter 39 ➛A Smile

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2 years earlier

The moist sand shifted as you stepped on top of it. You were walking slowly, your thoughts making you feel sick. Or at least, that's what they had done before you had withdrawn to the one place where you could be alone to think and feel at peace.

The small wooden bench was already in your sight, but you didn't accelerate your pace. No. You took your time to get over there. No rush. No responsibilities. No urging voices in your head.

Owyn was flying next to you. He went everywhere with you. Your only friend. Despite you couldn't communicate with him or did he have human intelligence, he was loyal, kind and caring towards you. Behavior that had almost never been shown in your presence.

You and he had been through everything together. From the start of your Hogwarts journey, to when Carl died in your first year, to your fugitive life. And from all the people you knew, all the souls that had made contact with you. He was the only one that had never left you.

You halted for a second, closing your eyes and enjoying the soft wind caressing your face. To your great annoyance, you could feel your eyes prickle with tears despite you had them closed. You frowned before opening them and allowing the tear to slide down.

You sat down on the single bench and leaned back tiredly. Owyn settled down next to you, staring at the horizon where the sun was starting its descent.

Running from the law had seemed to be a little more exhausting, stressful and troubling than it had always seemed.

You snorted. As if I had a choice, you thought feeling anger bubbling up in your stomach. Running around on false charges wasn't exactly something to give your self-confidence a boost.

Instead of acting upon your emotions, you took a deep breath and let your hands lay on your lap, clutching your wand.

This was the only time when you wouldn't have to worry about anything at all. The little breaks from the society that dared to call itself 'proper'. To you, there was nothing at all to be proud of in the current world and association of people. In your eyes, there were only selfish and barbaric people.

Life meant pain. And pain was something you knew all too well. Pain from losing people, pain from being treated unjust, the pain from the distrust in people's eyes when you passed. The pain of knowing that there was no one on this earth you could trust besides yourself.

Heaving a deep sigh you stared at the waves that rolled onto the already moist sand, just to retreat into the sea a few moments later.

It had a strangely calming effect on you. Nature was one of the things that weren't bad in this world of lies.

The beach was beautiful. Especially because there were no people to destroy it. There hadn't been a person on the beach beside you in a very long time. That was one of the reasons why it was your favorite place to be.

A sudden crack behind you made you feel tense. Cautious not to betray you had your wand, your grip tightened and you heard footsteps close in on you. You tried to locate them by the sound of their footsteps.

You glanced at Owyn who was staring at you. You beckoned towards him to fly away and come back later. When he did, you used the moment to shoot a curse at the person approaching.

They blocked it with ease and looked at you with a judging expression. ''Tried to use the element of surprise, now did you (Y/N) (L/N)?''

Slowly approaching you, the man watched you with a serious expression. ''And what does the great Gellert Grindelwald want to meet me for?'' you asked sarcastically.

Loyal till the end ➢Gellert Grindelwald X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now