Chapter 12 ➛Menu of Happiness

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We were laying in his bed. He was bare-chested again and I was wearing a set of his black flannel pajamas because I had forgotten my nightgown and I didn't want to go and get it. They were oversized but quite comfortable. I had never worn pants before. It was a disgrace if ladies wore trousers.

He lay on his back, one arm around me and the other behind his head. He stared up at the ceiling, softly humming a song. I lay close against him enjoying the soft sound he made. Wherever he was, I felt safe. I felt like he was able to protect me.

He stopped humming and I thought he had fallen asleep, until Owyn entered my mind and noted, Uh-oh, he's troubled.

I glanced up at Grindelwald. How can you tell? I questioned nervously. His brow is furrowed and he looks sad.

Wait, how can you see? You're on the ground, I can't even see it from here!

There are many things you still need to discover about me. Only time can tell, dear (Y/N).

Again, those annoying riddles. I hated it when he didn't just give me a straight answer. I wasn't able to connect Owyn's attitude to a centuries-old, wise creature.

I returned my attention to Grindelwald and watched him some time and heard him sigh. ''Is something wrong, sir?'' I asked softly. He looked at me in surprise. ''I thought you were asleep,'' he said. I shook my head and continued, ''Do you want to tell me?''

He sighed again. ''It's nothing. Really,'' he assured me. I didn't quite believe that. When Gellert Grindelwald's troubled, then something must be wrong.

''Someone told me once, that it can bring relief to speak your thoughts,'' I said wisely.

He looked down at me and smirked. ''What mastermind told you that?''

''Oh, no one, really. Just someone I care about.''

His smirk turned into a gentle smile. ''I'm glad to hear that,'' he said, his arms slithering around my waist.

''I was talking about Owyn, actually,'' I said grinning broadly. Grindelwald's smirk returned. ''Now, tell me what's bothering you,'' I insisted. His grin slowly faded, and he sighed again. ''I was just thinking about the age gap between us, and...''

I placed a finger on his lips and shook my head.

''No, I know where you're going, and no you're not too old for me,'' I said. ''I don't care how old you are,'' I said, placing my hand on his chest. ''I really don't.''

He smiled down at me and kissed me gently.

Halfway through the kiss Owyn intruded my mind again. Not your boyfriend, huh?

I growled softly, which made him retreat. ''Did I do something wrong?'' he asked quickly. I shook my head and momentarily hated myself for growling, the kiss could've taken longer!

''No, it wasn't you,'' I assured him. He raised his eyebrows as to say, what's the matter.

I shrugged and looked down. I had to tell him eventually so why not now?

''Owyn can talk to me,'' I blurted out. Was this really the best way to tell him? Just like that?

As he watched me perplexed I felt stupid.

''I mean mentally. He can't actually talk. But he can like, place thoughts in my head,'' I tried. ''I can't explain it really well, I'm sorry.''

''I get it. You can hear Owyn in your head,'' he said. ''This is quite a discovery, (Y/N),'' he said excitedly. ''We will be able to use this new ability to scout areas and cities.''

Loyal till the end ➢Gellert Grindelwald X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now