Chapter 25 ➛I Always Will

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A/N: Guys! I'm freaking out! I'm running out of Grindelwald pictures!!!!!

Another several days passed, and with the day I was able to do more and more without running out of energy again or dying in pain.

Right now I was in Grindelwald's quarters and he was able to stop by more and more often and 'distract' me from the boredom of not being able to do anything.

He had brought me some books from the library, which were enjoyable for the first few mornings. But after some hours of reading, that also grew boring.

Most of the time I just slept because all the lying around and lack of physical exercise made me feel drowsy.

Nevertheless, there was one thing I was looking forward to.

Grindelwald told me he was organizing a ball for a number of invited followers to announce our relationship.

I was nervous because I didn't know how people would react. What if they'd only think I was distracting him from the Greater Good? Or that this shouldn't be happening because he isn't supposed to feel things?

But those were all small fears because I was actually excited to announce we were together. I loved him, so why would it be a bad thing for people to know?

''We'll make sure they know you're mine,'' he had whispered through a passionate kiss.

Now I was sitting in bed, staring at a wall, boredom almost achieving what Jonathan couldn't, which was killing me.

Owyn was taking a nap, so I wasn't able to start a conversation with him, and I started to grow lonely again.

I desperately hoped it was almost lunchtime because that meant Gellert would come and it would be time for our daily stroll.

I was surprised I wasn't feeling afraid after I almost got killed. I expected to be at least a little cautious, but not even that. I had never felt safer than I was doing now.

I heard familiar footsteps in the corridor and a small smile formed on my lips as the door slowly creaked open.

''Ready for the daily torture?'' he asked, stepping inside, but stopping when he noticed my eyes were closed.

I acted as if I was asleep. Curious how he'd wake me, I snored softly.

He smiled and silently lay down beside me. He placed his hand on my cheek and gently kissed my lips.

I refused to open my eyes and faked another snore and tried not to react to his heavenly kiss.

He started placing soft kisses on my neck and up to my ear, then he whispered, ''I know you're awake, (Y/N).'' before he placed one last kiss on my cheek.

I smiled and opened my eyes as he leaned on his elbow and watched me amused.

''How did you know?'' I asked raising my eyebrows surprised.

He shrugged. ''Darling, you don't snore,'' he said grinning. ''Maybe next time you should not so desperately want to look like you're asleep.''

He kissed me one last time and got off the bed as he walked to my side and helped me get out. I needed to get dressed but I couldn't do it on my own so he used magic to change my clothes.

''Ready?'' he asked holding out his arm. I grinned and took it.

As we were walking, I enjoyed the cold air brush against my face and his fingers intertwined with mine.

I leaned against his shoulder and watched a deer jump away behind the trees.

It wouldn't take much longer before I was strong enough to get back to my everyday life. I just hoped I wouldn't have to wait any longer before I could get the Muggle Queenie's in love with because it felt like we were running out of time.

Loyal till the end ➢Gellert Grindelwald X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now