Chapter 3 ➛Beating Hearts

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Grindelwald takes what he wants, he thought as he extended a trembling hand towards the door. He closed his eyes and took a  deep breath before opening it.

''Ah, (Y/N), you decided to come,'' he said smiling. 

''You owe a lot of it to Queenie,'' you said hiding your nerves. ''I wasn't sure if I'd come at first.'' 

His mind raced and he felt his heart crumble a little, but he retained his composure.

''And why's that?'' he asked stepping out of the way so you could enter. 

Why! you thought frustrated. 

You had the annoying habit that whenever you were nervous you never really thought about anything you were saying. 


The room wasn't lit really well but even in the darkness, you could see your cheeks were as red as cherries. 

Grindelwald smirked amused. ''Never mind,'' he said guiding you to the balcony and the table.

He pulled back a chair for you and you sat down, smiling at him curtly before looking down at your hands.

He settled down himself and watched you intently. 


You looked up at him, ashamed of the fact that your cheeks were still red. ''It isn't important, let's just enjoy this while we can, alright?'' he said gently.

Again, butterflies started fluttering in your stomach as he used those meaningful words. Why was this happening all of a sudden? I've known him for a few years now, why am I feeling like this now?

How could people ever be afraid of him? you thought unbelievably. He's so nice and caring. Of course, I've heard the stories and read about his history, but I can't imagine the man across of me doing those things. 

I started to doubt if the stories were really true or just gossip.

Sure, I had seen him do some things but those weren't as bad as what people were saying. Fear can do horrible things to a person. I from all people should know that. 

I nodded and smiled shyly. ''You're right, sir,'' I said. He smiled contentedly and conjured two bottles of wine. 

''Red or white?'' he asked. I held out my glass, ''Red please.''

He filled half of the glass, then poured some into his own. ''As I mentioned in the invitation I had brought you, I have some things to discuss.''

He doesn't say business, so what does that mean?

Shut up! Please don't make me more nervous than I already am.

''What would you like to discuss, sir?'' I asked sipping my wine. 

''Well, I have been examining your plan a bit more closely,'' he started. 

''Is something wrong with it?'' I asked quickly, afraid I might've overlooked something very important.

''No, there's nothing wrong. Your plan is absolutely perfect.'' I let out a sigh of relief.

''But, I think I've found something I wasn't exactly supposed to find,'' he said conjuring the portrait I made of him.

I recognized it as soon as I laid eyes on it and my cheeks grew as red as the wine in my glass as I realized what had just happened. 

I must've forgotten to remove it from the desk! I thought horrified. 

Loyal till the end ➢Gellert Grindelwald X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now