Chapter 28 ➛Always

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I was striding across the corridors of the castle. Finding an unoccupied room was much harder than I had expected it to be. Many rooms were in use by people, and every time I entered one which was filled with personal belongings and items that indicated that the room was taken, I felt like an intruder.

I even interrupted a lovemaking session of two people, and my face must've glowed like a tomato before I had quickly closed the door and muttered a ton of apologies. They hadn't seemed to recognize me, nor did I them which had brought me relief.

With the time, the corridors grew more and more familiar and I noticed quickly that I was in the corridor of my old quarters where now Tom was probably wondering what would happen in his life now he knew he possessed over magic.

I couldn't help but pause as tears brimmed my eyes. Knowing the future was a bigger burden than I had expected it to be. Knowing I was going to lose someone that meant much to me ached deep within my core. Even now I had a solution, I was still terrified to death what might happen if it didn't work. And also, I didn't want to give up my connection with Owyn, but I had no choice.

My mind wandered off and I looked out of the window and saw a bird soar through the air. A beautiful raven, feathers ruffling in the strong wind on which it soared easily.

I opened the window and felt the icy wind stroke my cheeks. The raven watched me with curiosity and descended until it had reached the window sill, and stood there, eyes locked with mine.

Again a wave of familiarity flooded through me as I watched the bird intently. I slowly extended a hand to touch it but before my fingers could make contact with its black feathers, the bird took off and soared back out of the window.

I watched it vanish behind the trees below.

Sighing, I closed the window and waited a few seconds before a door behind me opened and I looked around startled.

Tom appeared in the doorway and was watching me with an uncertain expression. He was still wearing his own Muggle clothes and watched me a little anxiously.

I smiled to greet him and he stepped forward, closing the door behind him. ''Can I ask you something?'' he asked quietly.

I noticed excitement, confusion but also fear in his eyes.

I slowly nodded.

''How is it possible that he's alive?'' he asked softly. I knew who he was talking about. Grindelwald.

Even in the Muggle world, everyone knew he was a dangerous man. The Minister of Magic would visit the Prime Minister to tell them about a dangerous witch or wizard that is a threat to both, magical and non-magical people. Then they'll even tell the Muggles they're criminals and wanted.

In this case, Tom did know about Grindelwald and had probably read in a newspaper or heard from other people that he had died.

I was wondering if it was a good idea to tell him we had traveled through time because if I did, it might cause problems that I would rather avoid.

''Listen, there is something going on that I can't tell you about. It might cause problems that might be fatal for every single one of us. But I want you to understand, that whatever you've heard, read or seen, that we want the best for everyone. We are the good guys.''

His eyes still contained confusion but he nodded in understanding. ''I'll try and answer most of your questions, but some things are beyond your understanding. There are also things I do not yet understand myself, so there will be limits to my ability to answer.''

I was thinking about our parents. The murderer. Grindelwald. And him. I was still convinced it would be better for him not to know we were related.

Loyal till the end ➢Gellert Grindelwald X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now