Chapter 30 ➛Meeting At Night

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It was past midnight and almost every guest had gone. We were receiving the last few congratulations from people who were just about to leave.

''So,'' Grindelwald said, rubbing the back of his head. I turned to him, curious about what he had to say.

He wore a guilty expression which I  noticed almost the entire evening after our little disagreement.

''I might have overreacted a bit about that not dancing twice with other men. I shouldn't tell you what to do and what not to do. You're free to make your own decisions and I'm sorry,'' he said softly.

I smiled at him and took his hand. ''I get it. I would become jealous as hell if I'd see you dance with another girl.''

''Woman,'' he corrected, a small smirk creeping on his face. I chuckled and pecked his lips. ''Let's go for a walk through town,'' he said intertwining our fingers. ''Aren't you afraid people might see us?'' I asked anxiously as we made our way out of the house.

He shook his head. ''And what if they do? We leave a fake trail for them. They'll think we're vested in England.''

I smiled, still feeling a little uncomfortable nonetheless. He sighed. ''Fine, if you don't feel safe enough, we'll use disguising spells.''

He took out his wand and waved it in the air. A strange sensation came over me as we were disguised by magic.

''Shall we?'' Grindelwald asked offering me his arm. I smiled and took it. ''We shall.''

We were walking through the quiet streets and enjoying each other's company. We had lost track of time but we both didn't mind and we just kept walking.

''I still can't believe you organized a ball for me,'' I said snuggling up against his shoulder. ''When will you learn I will do anything for you?'' he asked, placing an arm around me and pulling me close.

We heard a loud drunk voice near us. And at first we just ignored it, but then I heard a second, familiar voice say, ''Why doesn't anyone have any information about where she is? Has no one seen her since that night?'' It was a woman's voice and I was straining to link the voice to a face. But before I got the chance, they rounded the corner in front of us and we stood face to face with Jacob Kowalski, Tina Goldstein and Newt Scamander.

At first, I was glad that I told Grindelwald to use disguising spells, but then I felt anger rise inside of my chest as I remembered what that creature lover had done to Owyn.

I felt Grindelwald tense and I knew he was aware of my anger. ''My apologies, ma'am,'' Newt said softly. ''Hey, she's pretty,'' Jacob said suddenly. I noticed the slurring in his voice and I turned to him, a look of shock, surprise and hurt on my face.

I knew he was drunk, but right then I felt really bad for Queenie. ''Keep your thoughts to yourself, Jacob,'' Tina hissed sideways.

She was staring at Grindelwald while I knew she couldn't have recognized him, I still felt a little anxious. If she had she would jump up to cast spells and curses. ''It's a lovely night for a stroll isn't it?'' Grindelwald said faking a British accent, and a smile.

''Me and my fiancee thought so and we went out to gaze at the stars. We were just on our way back, right, darling?'' he asked throwing me a sideways glance.

''Right,'' I said through gritted teeth. I had to contain my anger. But then the image of the half-dead Owyn entered my mind and I couldn't help but lunge at Newt. ''You hurt my best friend,'' I spat trying to hit him.

He was surprisingly quick which only frustrated me because I took him completely by surprise and he yelled, ''What are you talking about!'' He tried to stop me and grabbed my arms. I tried to kick him but Grindelwald wrapped his arms around me holding me tightly.

Loyal till the end ➢Gellert Grindelwald X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now