Chapter 43 ➛Sentences Completed

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It was all over. Now was the time for me to get the happy ending I've always wished for, but had always seemed too far out of reach. I still had a long journey ahead of me. One in which I had to learn to accept myself and learn from past mistakes. I had always known that this was essential if I wanted to find happiness, but I had never before found the motivation or energy to fight. What was the point anyways? I had no strong, steady foundation I could build on. But now I do, and it will change my life entirely.

It had not been long after we started talking in our quarters that we ended up in bed, below the warm covers, naked.

It was the middle of the day but Gellert had decided not to be busy with the Greater Good.

He was gently stroking my arms and made eye-contact as we lay facing each other.

At that point, I was suddenly overwhelmed with so much emotion that I could feel a tear roll down my face before I realized it.

He was alarmed, I could see. Yet he didn't say anything.

It wasn't long before a soft smile came to my lips and I whispered, ''I love you.'' and pressed a gentle kiss on his lips.

Sighing he retreated and returned the smile. ''You've been through a lot. And I can imagine how lonely you've felt, I've been there. But I want you to know that I'm here for you at all times. Because I love you too,'' he said as he intertwined our fingers and placed a kiss on my knuckles.

''There's never been anyone in my entire life that has brought so much change to my life and to me. I realize now that I don't want to lose you and never want to let you go. I want to make the most of my life, and for that I need you.''

He took a deep breath and was about to continue when there was a nervous rapping on the door. ''Sir!''

It sounded like the nurse. She was out of breath but seemed very excited. ''The boy is awake,'' she said as silence settled.

I glanced at the door with hopeful eyes and smiled as I quickly got up and started scanning the room for my clothes.

I couldn't help but notice that Gellert had not yet made any move to get dressed. ''Are you coming?'' I asked as excitement was fiercely pulsing through my veins.

He seemed to snap out of his trance and got out of bed.

I couldn't help but think that something wasn't right with him. But for now, I decided to let it rest until after I had seen and spoken to Tom. This was my moment to make it right. To explain my actions.

He did not seem half as eager as me to see him. After a few moments of standing around, waiting for him he turned to me and told me to go and that he would catch up when he was dressed.

I nodded gratefully as I left the room and, at a firm pace, made my way to the infirmary.

Gellert Grindelwald's P.O.V (third person)

His perfect moment with you had just been interrupted. It had taken him a long time to build up the courage to even start the conversation. Couldn't Tom have woken up just a little later?

Sighing, he opened the drawer of the bedside table and retrieved a small box.

Is this right? Isn't it stupid to show my vulnerabilities? Show that I, too have feelings like any other human on this earth? Bind me to this other human being?

Gazing down at the box in his hands, he slowly lifted the lid to reveal a ring. The metal had been bent and formed to look like rose petals and leaves, a black diamond resting between the delicate metal. And when examined carefully, you could notice the symbol of the deathly hallows hidden inside the diamond.

Loyal till the end ➢Gellert Grindelwald X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now