Chapter 5 ➛One Touch

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I lay on my bed, a pillow covering my face. 

Why did I do that?! Now I can never face him again! Why did I kiss him? That was so stupid!

But he did kiss you back, does that mean nothing to you?

Of course, it means much to me, but I'm so ashamed. He's the leader of the Greater Good, I can't just kiss my leader!

I grunted and turned onto my side. He did kiss good, though, I thought dreamily. But I can't just kiss him!

My thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door. 

I held my breath, waiting for a voice to announce who they were. ''(Y/N)?'' Grindelwald asked. 

I gasped softly and dashed behind the door, pressing my back against the wall.

The door creaked open and I held my breath, closing my eyes in horror. Please don't look behind the door, I thought desperately. 

If he saw me hiding here, it would be even more awkward. 

''(Y/N) are you here?'' His voice sounded hopeful at first but faltered halfway through the sentence.

When the door closed I waited several seconds before daring to breathe again. I was shaking madly and was not able to walk for at least an entire minute. 

I covered my face with my hands as I realized what I'd just done.

Every time he was around, I felt nervous. I could never stop thinking about him. I could never do anything without him popping into my head.

I stood up, still trembling and fell down onto my belly on the bed, my face landing on the soft pillow. ''I'm so stupid,'' I whispered, my voice muffled by the pillow. 

I knew self-pity wouldn't get me anywhere, but even with that fact stowed in the back of my mind, I couldn't help it.

I shot up when I heard more knocks and the door creaked open. 

I started panicking and tried to dive away, but they had already seen me. 

''(Y/N), what are you doing?'' Queenie asked raising an eyebrow and closing the door behind her.

I looked up at her, heaved a relieved sigh and sat back down on the bed. ''Nothing,'' I said smiling at her. 

''Yeah, right. I almost believe that,'' she said sitting down next to me. ''I promise, it's nothing,'' I muttered. 

''Does it have anything to do with Grindelwald?'' she asked excitedly.

''No! Nothing happened alright!'' I shouted. 

Queenie watched me startled. ''I-I'm sorry,'' I said quickly. I looked at my hands. They were trembling. 

''I'm sorry Queenie.'' I hesitated if I should continue. ''Something did happen,'' I admitted.

She didn't tease me after my outburst but I explained everything. 

''First, I want to know something. How did you know it had anything to do with Grindelwald?'' I asked suspiciously. 

She shrugged. ''I saw him walking away,'' she said.

''But what happened?'' she asked seriously. 

I shrugged and whispered, ''We- uhm, we-.'' It was harder to share than I had expected. 

''We kissed,'' I blurted out. 

When I had said it out loud it felt more official and my cheeks reddened in shame.

Loyal till the end ➢Gellert Grindelwald X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now