Chapter 17 ➛All I Ever Wanted

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Moving my stuff didn't take long. And before I knew it, I lay in his bed again. But this time, alone.

The sky had already turned dark and stars had started to pop out.

Grindelwald had promised me he'd return as quickly as possible. He still had some important work to do, so he left me alone.

He had told me at least ten times to touch the pendant and call for him if something happened to me, to which I in reply reassured him everything would be fine and that this Jonathan Brook was gone.

After I had finally managed to convince him I was perfectly safe, he smiled at me and left the room.

Once his footsteps had faded away into silence, I immediately felt uncomfortable. I kept turning and looking over my shoulder, afraid someone might be standing in the corner of the room, smirking at me.

I groaned in frustration and took my wand from the bedside table and lit the candles.

I leaned against the wall behind me and pulled my knees to my chest.

Sighing, a tear escaped my eye and rolled down my cheek.

I had hoped I could manage to forget about what had happened and just carry on with my life, but now that felt like I was trying to catch lightning.

Are you alright? Owyn's calm and soft voice asked.

I sighed again and said, ''I don't know.''

There was a silence and a thought crept into my mind.

''Owyn? Do you know anything about what could've happened to Queenie?'' I asked looking at the wall opposite of me.

I'm sorry, but that is a question none of us can answer. Except, maybe, Queenie herself.

I frowned deeply. ''Do you really think she might remember?''

I'm not sure, but it can't hurt to try.

I supposed he was right.

I walked onto the balcony and closed my eyes, enjoying the silence and the soft wind blowing against my skin.

I opened my eyes when I heard a bird flutter closeby and saw a dark raven standing on the balustrade. He screeched and stuck out its claw to me. It watched me with deep, pitch black eyes.

I knew those eyes. I recognized them. Eyes as dark as the night and a menacing screech.

I noticed a small piece of parchment bound to its claw. I quickly took it and watched the bird take off and soar through the air.

Once I lost sight of him I drew my attention to the parchment.

I opened it and found a small note scribbled down.

Enjoy your life, while you still can.

I gasped and looked around anxiously.

Was I being watched? Was this a threat? Is someone trying to kill me?

I stared, paralyzed, into the distance. I felt panic bubble up inside of me, but I couldn't move. My eyes watered and I felt a tear slowly slide down.

I could hear footsteps nearing the door and I couldn't help but jerk around and point my wand at it, ready to strike right when it would open.

The footsteps stopped, and the door slowly creaked open.

I would wait for the first glance before firing a spell.

I held my breath, ready to cast the curse.

Loyal till the end ➢Gellert Grindelwald X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now