Chapter 20 ➛She Walks in Beauty

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I had made a promise to Grindelwald to return immediately after my visit to Queenie, so we could prevent anything from happening.

I was walking slowly, my mind hazy and my body trembling. Tears had come to my eyes as the realization hit me of what I was supposed to do. 

I should help Queenie. That was the least I could do. Friends are supposed to help each other in hard times, so I guessed this was also part of that.

Queenie deserved a good life. And I do not wish many people a good life.

Queenie was a good person. A positive person. Always trying to help wherever and whenever she could.

It made me really sad to think that she may not be able to live like that anymore. That she could no longer live like herself.

''(Y/N),'' Grindelwald exclaimed relieved, as I slowly closed the door behind me. ''I was already worrying something might've happened to you on the way.''

It warmed my heart to know he cared about me, but right now, there were things on my mind that couldn't be exceeded by this.

He had probably noticed my gloomy expression because he regained his composure and watched me, his hands folded on the desk.

''How was Queenie? Has her transformation been completed?'' he asked formally.

I nodded silently, as I managed to keep in my tears and worries.

''Was she alright? Did something happen to her?'' he guessed.

I sighed and looked up at him. ''She's fine, except for her new life.''

Now she was a vampire, people wouldn't act normal around her anymore. People would look down at her in disdain while praising themselves for being human. She would never have the life she had before, nor the life she dreamt of having. The muggle, Jacob would never accept her as a vampire.

Grindelwald frowned at me. He probably knew what I was trying to say. ''I know how you must feel right now. Guilt, probably most of all. But don't feel that way.''

I opened my mouth to argue. But he interrupted me,

''I know you feel guilty, I can see it in your eyes and the way you look whenever we talk about her.''

He smiled sadly, and continued,

''But she won't have to live a life like that. She's with us. And we won't behave like she's lesser than we are. We know who she is, and what she is from the inside. And we will do anything to help her, and make her life as a vampire easier.''

As I thought about it, I found out he did have a point. It wasn't like she was all alone in this. She had us. And we would treat her all the same as before.

''You're right, sir,'' I said drearily as I continued to watch the floor with a gloomy expression.

He ducked and tried to catch my gaze.

''If that's really what was bothering you than you wouldn't still be standing here like a zombie. Now tell me what's wrong.''

He stood up, approached me and took my hands in his.

I couldn't help but look up into his eyes.

His gaze calmed me a little, enough to allow me to heave a deep sigh, and tell him what had happened at the infirmary.

''So? She talked to you. Why does this upset you? Isn't it a good thing she spoke?'' he asked softly.

I could feel the anger from before bubbling up again.

Loyal till the end ➢Gellert Grindelwald X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now